单词 | distinct |
释义 | dis·tinct 1. a. obsolete b. < things similar in effect but wholly distinct in motive — Hilaire Belloc > 2. a. < the slender and fragile tracery that must be preserved unventilated and distinct — B.N.Cardozo > < her last death shriek distinct among a thousand — William Wordsworth > b. < a promise that Mr. Nicholls should have a distinct refusal — Virginia Woolf > < left us with a clear and distinct idea of human nature — Times Literary Supplement > 3. archaic 4. a. < so overrun with camera'ed foreigners that it is a distinct achievement to get an unencumbered photo — William Petersen > b. < a distinct liberal > < hot, dry summers … with drought a distinct possibility — W.B.Johnston & I.Crkvencic > Synonyms: < probably to Guido de Bres … the Dutch Reformed Church owed the beginning of its sturdy life, and that it did not become a mere limb of either the French Calvinistic, or German Reformed body, but grew as a “shield and blessing to both” with a distinct and rooted life of its own — J.L.Motley > < Mrs. Yeobright, who, possessing two distinct moods in close contiguity, a gentle mood and an angry, flew from one to the other without the least warning — Thomas Hardy > Often interchangeable with distinct, separate may stress lack of connection or difference in identity between two things < a part of the citizens seceded from the main body, and formed a separate community on the neighboring marshes — W.H.Prescott > < this rupture of the supposed continuity of nature and the reestablishment of ethics and aesthetics as separate and autonomous realms — J.W.Krutch > < she had a command of hand, a nicety and force of touch, which is an endowment separate from pictorial genius, though indispensable to its exercise — Nathaniel Hawthorne > In older, archaic, or formal English several may also indicate distinctness, difference, or separation from similar items < her knowledge of three several tongues — Elinor Wylie > < a network of concrete highways upon the several states — W.H.Hamilton > discrete forcefully stresses individuality and lack of connection despite apparent similarities < discrete quantity consists of the separate and unjointed units. Continuous quantity resists and even defies description in terms of disjunct ultimate units — Josiah Royce > < the conclusion that gases are made up of discrete units (molecules) — Lancelot Hogben > < by confining his operations to those aspects of reality which had, so to say, market value, and by isolating and dismembering the corpus of experience, the physical scientist created a habit of mind favorable to discrete practical inventions — Lewis Mumford > Synonym: see in addition evident. |
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