释义 |
com·bine I. \kəmˈbīn\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English combynen, from Middle French combiner, from Late Latin combinare, from Latin com- + bini two by two — more at binary transitive verb 1. : to bring into close relationship: a. : to join in physical or chemical union (as two substances) < combine toxin and living tissue to produce antitoxin > specifically : to cause to unite into a chemical compound < combining hydrogen with sulfur > b. : to cause to unite or associate harmoniously (as in a joint action or into an organic whole) < combine their efforts to a common end > < the growing town of South Bethlehem was … to be combined with the mother town — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > 2. : to cause (as two or more things or ideas) to mix together : mingle, blend < combining the language of the gutter with ideas of undoubted worth > < combine the sugar, flour, and butter > 3. : to possess or exhibit (as qualities or attributes) in combination < one who combines creative imagination with true scholarliness > intransitive verb 1. a. : to become one : coalesce, integrate < the two papers combined as the Chronicle > b. : to unite in definite proportions by weight to form a distinct chemical compound 2. : to come together or join forces (as for a common purpose) : act together to accomplish an aim < the foreign powers combined in a note reprimanding the aggressor's action > < combine to raise wages in an industry > Synonyms: see join, unite II. \ˈkämˌbīn\ noun (-s) 1. : an act or result of combining 2. : a combination (as of persons) to effect some object; sometimes : one having a purpose that is illegal or against the public interest 3. also combine harvester : a harvesting machine that heads, threshes, and cleans grain while moving over the field 4. : a passenger-train car divided into two or more parts for handling different classes of items (as passengers and baggage) III. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: combine (II) transitive verb : to harvest with a combine intransitive verb : to combine a crop |