单词 | come |
释义 | come I. intransitive verb 1. a. < do come to church today > < he came quietly into the room > < when will they come > — distinguished from and sometimes opposed to go; usually used with a preposition (as toward, on, before, behind) or an adverb (as away, down, forth, up) when the point of departure or terminus is expressed < come toward me slowly > < the babe came forth from the womb > b. < he came to see us > < a man came asking after wisdom > < come and help us set the table > or by a prepositional phrase < they'll come to the rescue when they hear > c. < day is coming > < now we come to the section on health > (1) < this comes near perfection > < the pure in heart come near to God > (2) < all our good planning came to naught > (3) < their fury came quickly to a boil > d. (1) < the gray filly is coming nicely > < that corn will come along better if it rains > (2) < come running when I call > < the referee came between the clinching boxers > (3) < a general who had come up through the ranks > < the neighborhood, after declining for years, was coming up again > e. < how're you coming now? > f. (1) < trousers scarcely coming to his shoe tops > (2) < a path comes through the valley > < at high tide water comes over the lower end of the walk > (3) < this comes very near to me > < the arguments come home forcibly > 2. a. (1) < he came slowly to his senses > < she came tired to bed each night > < the spirit of true humility comes to those who seek it diligently > (2) < come to an understanding > (3) < taxes come to more than the property is worth > (4) < after much thought the answer came to him > < it came to her that this was where she first met him > (5) < the good old days never come back > b. (1) of an event or condition < no harm will come to you > < everything comes to him who waits > (2) < come untied > < how did you come to have such an idea > < the whole plan was coming clearer and clearer — Willa Cather > — compare come upon (3) < came Christmas and we had a merry time > < the house burned a year ago come March > < comes the revolution we'll all live, or hang, high > < come the end of the war when costs fall > (4) < all the credit that's coming to him > < I've another dollar coming to me > c. (1) < pepper comes from a bush > < most wine comes from grapes > < good crops come from good soil > < they come of sturdy yeoman stock > < do not evil that good may come > < kind deeds come from a kind heart > < after joy comes sadness > < his wealth comes by inheritance > (2) < he comes from Toronto, Canada > < she has been here in the city 20 years but who would doubt that she comes from the backwoods? > d. < at sundown the artillery came into action > < he came to the peerage in 1892 > e. < his follies come to mind along with his kindnesses > < this comes within the terms of the treaty > < Connecticut, Rhode Island, then comes Massachusetts > f. (1) of an utterance < a dry sob came from her constricted throat > < some of the noblest thoughts to come from this generation > (2) < in spite of her best efforts the picture would not come > (3) of cheese or butter (4) of a bow g. < this model comes in several sizes > : exist < as good as they come > h. 3. < several thousand dollars came to him from his uncle > 4. < come, we must hurry > < come, come, that's no way to speak to your mother > 5. < he will relent; he's coming; I perceive't — Shakespeare > 6. < it comes hard for me to accept your views > < good clothes come high > < easy come, easy go > 7. 8. < monsters come alive from a Goya picture — New Republic > < things will come clear if we are patient > transitive verb 1. < a pretty child coming eight years old > 2. a. < why should he come the dude like that > b. < come a hand of cards > c. Britain < he cannot come that > • - come abroad - come a cropper - come across - come again - come alive - come a long way - come apart - come at - come away - come between - come by - come clean - come close - come compass - come forward - come home - come home to roost - come into - come into case - come into one's own - come into play - come it - come it over - come it strong - come off - come on - come one's way - come over - come round - come through - come to a head - come to anchor - come to blows - come to grief - come to grips - come to hand - come to life - come to light - come to nature - come to nothing - come to oneself - come to pass - come to stay - come to terms - come to that - come to time - come true - come up - come upon II. III. • - come off - come to - come down the pike IV. 1. 2. |
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