释义 |
come out I. intransitive verb 1. : to pass to a place thought of as away from or remote from the center of affairs — often used of passage to a remote or unsettled area < my father came out to New Zealand in the '60s > 2. : to come into view : emerge: as a. : to become published b. : to become public < his shameful secret finally came out > c. : to make one's professional or social debut d. : to break out — used of rashes 3. : to come to an end : terminate; especially : to turn out < how did the story come out > < that cake came out splendidly > 4. : to extend or project < the fireplace came out into the room > 5. : to allow something to appear or become known: as a. : to declare oneself < he came out strongly against the administration > b. : confess — usually used with with < he came out shyly with his regrets > II. intransitive verb 1. : to openly declare one's homosexuality 2. : to openly declare something about oneself previously kept hidden — used with as < blew his cover and came out as a CIA agent — William Prochnau > |