

单词 comfortable
释义 com·fort·able
I. \ˈkəm(p)(f)təbəl, -m(p)fə(r)d.əb-, -m(p)fə(r)təb- also ÷ -m(p)fə(r)b- or ÷ -m(p)(f)tərb-\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English comfortable, confortable, from Middle French confortable, from conforter + -able
1. : affording solace, sustenance, delight : comforting:
 a. : consoling : extending consolation : cheering, encouraging : dispelling worry
  < her presence warmed the atmosphere … she herself was a most comfortable little person — Willa Cather >
  < for God's sake speak comfortable words — Shakespeare >
 b. obsolete : refreshing, sustaining
 c. : uplifting or delighting spiritually or mentally
  < comfortable religious contemplation >
2. : enjoying or showing solace or good cheer
 < sooner than she could have supposed it possible … her spirits became absolutely comfortable — Jane Austen >
 a. : giving or promising physical ease, pleasurable feeling, ample convenience or cheerful well-being : calculated to operate against unpleasant feelings, distress, oppression, difficulty, or want
  < a comfortable fit >
  < a comfortable summer suit >
  < a more comfortable automobile >
  < comfortable houses set in spacious grounds — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
  < a makeshift arrangement not altogether … comfortable for either of us — Havelock Ellis >
 b. : conducive to mental or spiritual ease, relaxation, placidity : occasioning no challenging difficulty, disconcerting obscurity, or worrying uncertainty
  < the home team had a comfortable 7 to 1 lead in the eighth >
  < irregular war was … more exhausting than service in the comfortable imitative obedience of an ordered army — T.E.Lawrence >
  < comfortable compromises — V.L.Parrington >
  < the world will probably keep on getting better and better, which is a very nice comfortable thought — Atlantic Monthly >
 c. : assuring or affording an easy tranquillity about money or a convenient, pleasant, and secure way of living, although without great wealth
  < retiring on a comfortable income >
  < in comfortable circumstances by reason of prize money — C.O.Paullin >
4. : enjoying or showing comfort and ease:
 a. : at ease physically : in a restful situation : without urgent unsatisfied wants : free from pain, irritation, stricture, or other unpleasant feelings : relaxed
  < making himself comfortable in an armchair >
  < treatment by which the person with hay fever may be made more comfortable — Morris Fishbein >
 b. : at ease mentally or socially : free from vexation, worry, doubt, fear : not disturbed or perturbed : placid, unruffled
  < comfortable in his allegiance to his king >
  < Lamb was comfortable in his ignorance of what he did not choose to know — John Mason Brown >
 c. : in assured or easy circumstances especially financially : not hard pressed or harried by exigency
  < a comfortable, though by no means affluent family — Times Literary Supplement >
 comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful, and reposeful describe that which makes for contented tranquil ease and enjoyment. comfortable stresses absence of matters vexatious, worrisome, irritating, or painful in any way
  < “I fear I should not be happy in that company …” “Then I give in. Do whatever will be most comfortable to yourself” — Thomas Hardy >
  < “Thank God for colonels”, thought Mrs. Miniver; “sweet creatures, so easily entertained, so biddably diverted from senseless controversy into comfortable monologue” — Jan Struther >
  cozy suggests warmth, shelter, and ease, and hints tranquillity and friendliness
  < Wimsey gratefully took in the cozy sitting room, with its little tables crowded with ornaments, its fire roaring behind a chaste canopy of velvet overmantel — Dorothy Sayers >
  snug indicates secure and assured warmth and comfort usually in compact quarters
  < Lady D. will find us in rather a smaller house than we are accustomed to receive our friends in, but it's snug — W.M.Thackeray >
  easy implies absence of anything likely to cause physical, social, or mental discomfort
  < there's a pleasant feel in being gently … pinioned fast to the easy armchair — Robert Browning >
  restful, applicable to indoor and outdoor situations, and the less common reposeful apply to whatever induces rest or repose
  < a restful, friendly room, fitted to the uses of gentle life, covered, when it must be covered, with beauty — Mary Austin >
  < I … drank in deep, calm gladness from the sweet, restful scene — the gray old church with its clustering ivy and its quaint carved wooden porch, the white lane winding down the hill between tall rows of elms — J.K.Jerome >
  < the secretary's office, which his wife endowed with ship's lamps, ship's bells, crossed naval swords, and a generally reposeful colonial decor — Time >
  comfortable, cozy, snug, and easy may all describe an assured financial position. In reference to persons, comfortable, cozy, and snug may indicate mere absence of discomfort or, more positively, a pleasant, relaxed, warm, contented feeling
  < we found the doctor and Zeke making themselves comfortable. The latter was reclining on the ground, pipe in mouth — Herman Melville >
  < Mrs. Carewe, faced with impecunious widowhood, had successfully daydreamed herself right out of bleak reality into cozy semiinvalidism — Edna Ferber >
  < there must be no open windows or drafty cracks to disturb his cozy reflections — M.R.Cohen >
  < ere that the fisherfolk were all snug under thatch and sheltering wall, breathing the cabin's air of gold, safe from blue storm and nipping cold — G.W.Russell >
  < all the gypsies and showmen who had remained on the ground lay snug within their carts and tents — Thomas Hardy >
II. noun
1. chiefly Britain : a knitted wristlet
2. chiefly Britain : comforter 3a
3. chiefly North : comforter 3b




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