

单词 compact
释义 com·pact
I. \kəmˈpakt, (ˈ)käm|pakt\ adjective
(sometimes -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English compacte, from Latin compactus, past participle of compingere to join, from com- + pangere to fasten — more at pact
1. obsolete : firmly put together, joined, or integrated
2. : predominantly formed or filled : composed, made — usually used with of
 < a figure compact of chivalry and faith >
 < Miss Austen's novels are compact of delicate trivialities — Samuel Alexander >
3. : marked by an arrangement of parts or units closely pressed, packed, grouped, or knit together with very slight intervals or intervening space: as
 a. : brief, pithy
  < compact language >
  < a compact style >
  < a compact writer >
  : not diffuse or verbose
  < a compact statement >
 b. : having the twigs or branches so close together as to form a dense often rounded mass
  < compact evergreens >
 c. of bone : lacking in obvious interstices : dense, solid — compare cancellous
 d. : dense 5
 a. : suggesting firmness, soundness, and a degree of strength : not gangling, weak, spare, or ill-formed in appearance : solid and without excess flesh
  < he had a small, compact body that looked full of life — D.H.Lawrence >
 b. of an animal : close-coupled : stocky, cobby
5. : marked by concentration in a limited area : homogeneous and located within a limited definite space without straggling or rambling over a wide area
 < his long narrow strips did not lie next to one another in a compact farm — G.M.Trevelyan >
 < downtown San Francisco, compact and accessible — American Guide Series: California >
Synonyms: see close
II. verb
transitive verb
 a. : to knit or draw together (as into a unified or coherent whole) : combine, consolidate
  < racial and religious similarities helped compact the tribes into a great nation >
 b. : to press together (as parts, components, segments) : compress
  < thousands of crates compacted in a warehouse >
  < a great human document, compacting the experience and reflection of a … unified life — M.R.Cohen >
2. : to make up (as by uniting, connecting, combining) : compose, create
 < a mob compacted of all the more violent elements of the underworld >
intransitive verb
: to become compacted
 < the old snow had compacted into the hardness of ice >
Synonyms: see unify
III. \ˈkämˌpakt\ noun
 a. : a compacted body, structure, or unit
  < the compact of business families forming the upper classes — Hugh MacLennan >
 b. : an object produced by the compression of metal powders
2. : a small cosmetic case for the purse
3. : a small automobile
IV. intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle French compacter, from compact agreement, from Latin compactum
: to make a formal agreement
V. noun
Etymology: Latin compactum agreement, from neuter of compactus past participle of compacisci to make an agreement, from com- + pacisci to agree, contract — more at pact
1. obsolete : conspiracy, plot
2. : an agreement, understanding, or covenant between two or more parties
 < the matrimonial compact >
 < a compact with the devil >
 < a five-nation compact to control opium traffic >
specifically : an interstate agreement entered into to handle a particular problem or task
 < a Colorado River Compact … allocating rights to the waters of the Colorado among seven states — F.A.Ogg & P.O.Ray >
3. : social contract
 < a man not having the power of his own life cannot by compact … enslave himself to anyone — John Locke >
VI. adjective
: being a topological space (as a metric space) with the property that for any collection of open sets which contains it there is a subset of the collection with a finite number of elements which also contains it
com·pact·ness noun




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