释义 |
com·plaint \kəmˈplānt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English compleynte, from Middle French complainte, from Old French, from feminine of complaint, past participle of complaindre 1. a. obsolete : a cry or loud utterance or series of utterances of pain, rage, or sorrow : grieved or sorrowful outcry b. : a formerly popular poem that laments or protests unrequited love or tells of personal misfortune, misery, or injustice c. : the act or action of expressing protest, censure, or resentment : expression of injustice < a complaint about poor housing > < on complaint of neighbors action was taken > d. : formal allegation or charge against a party made or presented to the appropriate court or officer (as for a wrong done or a crime committed) and variously applied (as to the initial bill in proceedings in equity, the declaration in a common-law pleading, the statement of claim under the English practice acts, and the initial pleading under the code practice in various states of the United States) 2. a. : something that is the cause or subject of protest or grieved outcry < lack of efficiency is the complaint of all who wish to better government > b. : an ailment or disease of the body < given to taking all sorts of medicine for vague complaints — Morris Fishbein > |