

单词 complete
释义 com·plete
I. \kəmˈplēt, usu -ēd.+V\ adjective
(often -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English complet, from Middle French, from Latin completus, past participle of complēre to fill up, from com- + plēre to fill; akin to Latin plenus full — more at full
 a. : possessing all necessary parts, items, components, or elements : not lacking anything necessary : entire, perfect
  < few households would regard breakfast complete without a plate of porridge — L.D.Stamp >
  < this man … complete with wings and four stripes on his uniform sleeve — E.K.Gann >
  < neither one of these publications gives the complete poems of Smart — A.R.Benham >
 b. : having all four sets of floral organs — compare incomplete, monoclinous
  (1) of a subject or predicate : including modifiers, complements, or objects if any
   < in the sentence “the little boy hit the ball hard” the little boy is the complete subject and hit the ball hard is the complete predicate >
   — compare simple
  (2) of a verb : filling out a predication without any object or complement
   < moved in “the train moved” is a complete verb >
 d. of a diet or ration : balanced
2. : brought to an end or to a final or intended condition
 < a complete period of time >
 < a complete act >
: concluded, completed
 < five complete days >
 < a complete revolution >
3. of a person : possessed of all necessary, usual, or typical qualities, habits, or accomplishments
 < a complete man >
 < a complete gentleman >
 < a complete Englishman >
specifically : highly proficient (as in an art or skill)
 < a complete landscape artist >
 < a complete horseman >
4. : fully realized : carried to the ultimate : thorough, total
 < in complete sympathy with his views >
 < complete surrender >
 < his complete inability to understand >
II. transitive verb
1. : to bring to an end often into or as if into a finished or perfected state
 < foolish to put his hand to a task which he could not complete — John Buchan >
specifically : to execute (a forward pass) successfully
 < State completed 10 of 19 passes while Rutgers made good 4 of 10 — New York Times >
 a. : to make whole, entire, or perfect : end after satisfying all demands or requirements
  < art partly completes what nature is herself sometimes unable to bring to perfection — Havelock Ellis >
 b. : to mark the end of : show attainment to the total or totality of
  < small mammals, birds, and tropical fish … complete the zoo exhibits — American Guide Series: New York City >
 c. : accomplish, execute, fulfill
  < complete a contract >
  < a vow completed >
 d. : consummate
  < allowed the lovers to complete their marriage — G.M.Trevelyan >
Synonyms: see close
III. adjective
1. of insect metamorphosis : characterized by the occurrence of a pupal stage between the motile immature stages and the adult — compare incomplete herein
2. of a metric space : having the property that every Cauchy sequence of elements converges to a limit in the space




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