释义 |
com·pre·hen·sion \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈhenchən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle French & Latin; Middle French compréhension, from Latin comprehension-, comprehensio, from comprehensus (past participle of comprehendere) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. a. : the act or action of comprehending or comprising or the fact of being comprehended or comprised : inclusion < the comprehension of many items within a single book > b. : the faculty or capability of including : comprehensiveness < a concept whose comprehension is so broad as to cover all other concepts > 2. a. : the act or action of grasping (as an idea or process) with the intellect : understanding < a real comprehension of all difficulties > b. : the resultant of comprehending mentally : apperceptive knowledge or knowing < he has not the slightest comprehension of the subject > c. : the capacity or power of the mind for understanding fully < some readers are dull of comprehension — W.M.Thackeray > 3. obsolete : summary, epitome 4. obsolete : a physical grasping (of something) : compression 5. logic : the totality of attributes that make up the notion signified by a general term : the sum of the characteristics distinguishing a class : intension, connotation 6. : inclusion of nonconformists in the Church of England by widening the terms of communion (as by legal enactment during the 17th century) |