

单词 computation
释义 com·pu·ta·tion
I. \ˌkämpyəˈtāshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English computacion, from Latin computation-, computatio, from computatus (past participle of computare to compute) + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : the act or action of computing : calculation, reckoning
 < there had come many from the north — seven, by the squire's computation — R.L.Stevenson >
2. : a way or system of reckoning
 < conformity with Roman practice in regard to … the computation of Easter — F.M.Stenton >
3. : the result of computation : amount computed
II. noun
: the use or operation of a computer
com·pu·ta·tion·al·ly \ˌ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ shnəlē, -shənəlē\ adverb




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