释义 |
con·fer \kənˈfər, +V -ər.; -fə̄, +V -ər. also -ə̄r\ verb (conferred ; conferred ; conferring ; confers) Etymology: Latin conferre to bring together, contribute, consult, from com- + ferre to carry — more at bear transitive verb 1. obsolete a. : to bring or add together : collect b. : contribute 2. obsolete : compare, collate 3. a. : to grant or bestow especially at a public ceremony (as a title of nobility or an academic degree) b. : to give or yield (a characteristic or quality, especially an advantageous one) < carbon confers hardness upon steel > < the mastery of physical nature which this science has conferred on its practitioners — A.J.Toynbee > intransitive verb 1. obsolete : contribute 2. obsolete : agree, conform 3. : to hold conversation or conference now typically on important, difficult, or complex matters : compare views : take counsel : consult, deliberate |