释义 |
con·fi·dence I. \ˈkänfədən(t)s also -dən- or -ˌden-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin confidentia, from confident-, confidens (present participle of confidere to confide) + -ia -y 1. : the state of one that confides : trust, reliance, belief < a cheerful confidence in the mercy of God — T.B.Macaulay > 2. : feeling or consciousness of reliance on oneself or one's circumstances : self-confidence < a doctor's increasing confidence and skill > < painters who had … lost their confidence — W.B.Yeats > 3. : the state of feeling sure : certitude — usually used with of < great confidence of success > < the level of confidence accepted for a given set of statistical data > 4. : brashness, presumption, impudence < he had that confidence which the first thinker of anything never has, for all thinkers … approach the truth full of hesitation and doubt. Confidence comes from repetition, from the breath of many mouths — W.B.Yeats > 5. obsolete : an object of faith or reliance < for the Lord shall be thy confidence — Prov 3:26 (Authorized Version) > 6. a. : a relation or state of trust or intimacy between persons who confide in each other < take a friend into one's confidence concerning a private affair > b. obsolete : trustworthiness c. : a communication made in confidence < the confidences between lawyer and client > d. : trust in or support of the policy or action of a prime minister and his cabinet expressed by a formal vote of the legislature in a parliamentary system of government Synonyms: see trust II. adjective : having to do with the appropriation by a swindler of funds entrusted to him usually by a dupe promised large and easy profits from a type of investment not generally considered ethical < confidence game > < confidence man > III. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to swindle especially by exploiting confidence or desire for quick gain |