

单词 connotation
释义 con·no·ta·tion
\ˌkänəˈtāshən, -nōˈt-\ noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin connotation-, connotatio, from connotatus (past participle of connotare to connote) + -ion-, -io -ion
 a. : the conveying or suggesting a meaning by a word along with or apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes
  < the value of connotation in poetry >
  < it was quite wrong to call it mind, the connotation was false — Willa Cather >
  — compare denotation 2
 b. : something implied or suggested by a word or sometimes by a thing : implication
  < using a literary language in which the connotations of words tend to overwhelm their precise significance — Walter Lippmann >
  < stayed in one place long enough for it to assume familiar connotations — Norman Mailer >
2. : the meaning of a word (as a word representing an emotion, a feeling, quality, a moral idea) : signification
 < that abuse of logic which consists in moving counters about as if they were known entities with a fixed connotation — W.R.Inge >
3. : the property or group of properties connoted by a term in logic and signified by or comprised in a concept or essential to the thing named : comprehension, signification — contrasted with denotation
con·no·ta·tion·al \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷shənəl, -shnəl\ adjective




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