单词 | conservative |
释义 | con·serv·a·tive I. 1. < the conservative powers of the Egyptian climate have given us priceless relics in near-perfect condition > < conservative of all good things > specifically < conservative surgery > — compare radical 2. a. < conservative elements opposed to … further steps toward socialization or nationalization — Collier's Year Book > b. (1) usually capitalized < the parliamentary Conservative party is preeminently recruited from the upper and upper-middle classes — J.F.S.Ross > < a handsome Conservative majority … emerged from the general election — J.A.Hawgood > — compare labor, liberal, tory, unionist, whig (2) usually capitalized 3. a. < conservative policies > < a conservative administration > < a conservative genus > b. < conservative action > : cautious < a conservative point of view > < a conservative utterance > : moderate < a conservative estimate of 200 > : unwilling to overreach : involving little or fearful of risk < a conservative banker > < conservative investments > c. < a conservative suit > < a rich but conservative architectural style > 4. Synonyms: < although he was naturally conservative and did not disturb the predominance of Latin and Greek, he somewhat modified the curriculum — C.M.Fuess > reactionary applies to wishes to return to an older outworn order or to influences making for such a return; unlike conservative, it is almost always derogatory < both the Reformation and the Counter Reformation were reactionary; though they brought the Middle Ages to an end, they themselves were medieval in spirit and method — W.R.Inge > die-hard implies a stubborn, truculent retention of older procedures and resistance to new < some die-hard individual may insist on driving a horse and buggy after all the rest of his society have automobiles — Ralph Linton > < while the Progressive Conservative platform reflected the party's die-hard conservatism on most issues, it came out, in striking contrast to previous policies, for the principle of expanding international trade — Collier's Year Book > tory may suggest a sometimes reactionary allegiance to long-established principles and social customs < to a slow-moving and Tory society they were radical changes shocking to men's minds — C.W.de Kiewiet > II. 1. archaic < the Holy Spirit is the great conservative of the new life — Jeremy Taylor > 2. a. < it is the task of the conservative not to defeat but to forestall revolutions — H.A.Kissinger > b. usually capitalized < both Conservatives and Labour competed for the middle-class vote — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude > 3. < a conservative in his choice of clothes > < the firm was always the conservative in marine architecture > |
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