

单词 contact
释义 con·tact
I. \ˈkänˌtakt\ noun
Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin contactus, from contactus, past participle of contingere to touch on all sides — more at contingent
 a. : union or junction of body surfaces : a touching or meeting
  < cooled by contact with the air >
  < sexual contact >
  : impact
  < body contact in football and hockey >
 b. geometry : the meeting of curves or surfaces so as to have tangents or tangent planes in common
 c. : the apparent touching or mutual tangency of the limbs of any two celestial bodies or of the disk of one body with the shadow of another during an eclipse, transit, or occultation
  (1) : the junction or touching surface of two electrical conductors through which a current passes
  (2) : a special part (as a platinum stud) made for such a junction for temporary or momentary connection
 a. : association or relationship (as in physical or mental or business or social meeting or communication)
  < students and teachers in daily contact >
  < Japan's new contacts with Europe >
  : direct experience through the senses
  < a mental patient's infrequent contacts with reality >
 b. : a condition or an instance of meeting, connecting, or communicating
  < ordinary men were made to feel a direct contact with their God — H.S.Canby >
  < keep in contact with the other members >
  < neither party had made any contact with the other >
  < made contact with the enemy >
 c. : acculturation
 d. : direct visual observation of the surface of the ground or water made from an airplane especially as an aid to judging position and properly guiding the airplane
  < flying by contact rather than flying by instruments >
 e. : an instance of establishing communication with someone
  < a radio contact >
  or of observing or receiving a significant signal from a person or object (as by radar or sonar)
  < got three contacts on the radarscope >
 also : a person or object with which such contact is made
 a. : a person serving as go-between, messenger, agent, or source of special information especially in a secret activity
  < the contact for the syndicate >
  < a newspaperman's contacts are often cabdrivers or bartenders >
 b. : any person or animal that has been in contact with a person or animal affected with a contagious disease
4. : the often irregular surface that constitutes the junction of two bodies of rock different in kind, age, or origin
5. : contact lens
II. \“, kənˈt-, känˈt-\ verb
transitive verb
: to bring into contact : enter or be in contact with:
 a. : to press against : meet, touch
  < brake shoes contact the inside diameter of the drum >
  : join
  < where the line of ordinary low water … directly contacted the open sea — U.S.Code >
 b. : to make connection with : get in communication with : reach — used often where the means is not precisely specified
  < contact your local dealer >
  < the salesman contacted a few prospects >
 c. : to talk or confer with : interview : apply to : approach
  < the first company you contact may not … use your services — W.J.Reilly >
  < the department … was contacted to learn of availability and costs — R.C.Emery >
intransitive verb
: to make contact
 < the point at which the two surfaces contact >
III. \ˈkänˌtakt\ adjective
1. : of, maintaining, or establishing contact
 < a contact man >
 < contact area >
: involving, permitting, or activated by contact
 < contact weather >
 < contact fuse >
2. geology : lying along or near or genetically connected with a contact
 < a contact deposit >
3. : characterized by or normally involving body contact between players
 < football and hockey are contact sports >
4. : caused or transmitted by direct or indirect contact (as with an allergen or a contagious disease)
 < contact allergy >
 < contact transmission >
IV. adverb
: by direct visual observation of the earth
 < the ceiling was so low that the patrol was flown contact — J.L.Foley >




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