单词 | contemporary |
释义 | con·tem·po·rary I. 1. < Dante had put some contemporary popes in Hell — M.R.Cohen > < Renaissance painting, which was contemporary with the great age of exploration — Lewis Mumford > and sometimes during the present < we are not without contemporary talent; but for works of genius we must still look to the past — Edith Wharton > < the avenging on the contemporary woman of resentments inculcated by an earlier woman — Philip Wylie > 2. a. < contemporary turns of two wheels > b. < contemporary rock strata > 3. < peculiarly contemporary in his anxiety, his longing for a faith — Alfred Kazin > Synonyms: < Faraday's work on electricity coupled with Joseph Henry's exactly contemporary research on the electromagnet — Lewis Mumford > < contemporary with those intermediaries, or following hard upon them, were the great missionaries or converters — H.O.Taylor > There is little difference between contemporary and the less common contemporaneous < the A. F. of L. was closer to contemporaneous British labor organizations than to the American Knights of Labor — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager > simultaneous is likely to describe occurrence of two things at precisely the same minute or within the same limited period of time < the three men, deftly timing the roll, made a simultaneous leap aboard the schooner — Jack London > < control of the air involves the simultaneous use of two types of planes — first, the long-range heavy bomber; second, light bombers, dive bombers, torpedo planes — F.D.Roosevelt > synchronous may describe continuing action taking place over somewhat longer periods < French speech has run a similar and almost synchronous course with English — Havelock Ellis > coeval may be used in reference to periods, ages, eras, eons < if the meteorites represent fragments of the solar system, we may conclude that the system is coeval with the Earth — F.L.Whipple > coetaneous, a close synonym of coeval, may suggest origination at the same time < the Alleghenies and other coetaneous mountain chains > coincident refers to occurrences, events, incidents, developments taking place at the same time but may minimize ideas of causal relationship < the growth of the mine union movement was coincident with the growth of business and manufacturing — T.R.Hay > concomitant describes a development taking place at the same time but one of subordinate incidental character < a bite from any carnivorous animal is likely to lead to some measure of concomitant poisoning — Discovery > < concomitant with the creation of these new rhythms came … “the dance craze” — Oscar Hammerstein b1895 > concurrent may add to the idea of occurrence at the same time the notion of accord, agreement, fitness between the things involved < great cultural achievements have not been inevitably, or even generally, concurrent with great material power — Lyman Bryson > II. 1. < Petrarch and Chaucer were contemporaries > 2. 3. |
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