

单词 parliamentary
释义 par·lia·men·ta·ry
I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|mentərē, -n.trē, -ri\ adjective
Etymology: parliament + -ary
 a. : of, relating to, or having the nature of a parliament
  < parliamentary reform >
  < parliamentary body >
  < the organizations are largely forensic and parliamentaryAmerican Guide Series: North Carolina >
 b. : enacted, done, or ratified by a parliament; specifically : enacted, done, or ratified by the British parliament
  < parliamentary grant of money >
  < received a parliamentary title >
 c. : according to the procedures, customs, and usages of a parliament; specifically : according to the procedures, customs, and usages of the British parliament
  < proceed in a parliamentary way >
 d. : permitted or suitable to be permitted to be used in a parliament : civil, courteous, polite
  < two gentlemen politely and in strictly parliamentary language calling one another incompetent administrators — Liverpool Daily Post >
 e. : concerned with the business of a parliament
  < parliamentary correspondent of a newspaper >
 f. : taking place in or under the authority of a parliament
  < proposed a parliamentary inquiry into the situation >
  < parliamentary control of expenditures >
  < parliamentary debate >
2. : of, belonging to, or adhering to the parliament as opposed to the king during the English Civil War
 < rendered the parliamentary armies … victorious — David Hume †1776 >
3. : of, relating to, or used on a parliamentary train
4. : of, based upon, or having the characteristics of parliamentary government
 < parliamentary institutions in South Africa resemble … those in other dominions — Alexander Brady >
 < parliamentary democracy >
 < parliamentary socialism >
5. : of, relating to, or consisting of members of a parliament
 < the sole object of parliamentary privilege is to protect the rights … of members — British Parliament >
 < have the leader selected by the parliamentary caucus — London Times >
6. : of, according to, or based upon parliamentary law
 < parliamentary practice >
 < parliamentary procedure >
 < parliamentary inquiry … to obtain information from the presiding officer — Alice F. Sturgis >
II. noun
1. : a member of the British parliament
2. : parliamentary train
3. [modification of French parlementaire, from parlement negotiation, conference, parliament — more at parliament] : one sent under a flag of truce to treat with an enemy




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