释义 |
parse \ˈpärs, ˈpȧs, -ärz, -ȧz\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin pars part (in pars orationis part of speech) — more at part transitive verb 1. a. : to resolve (as a sentence) into component parts of speech and describe them grammatically b. : to describe (as a word) grammatically by stating the part of speech and explaining the inflection and syntactical relationships 2. : to examine in a minute way : analyze critically : anatomize 2, dissect 2 b < parse problems and solutions — C.B.Marshall > < he excited no interest; he was merely something to parse — Ben Riker > intransitive verb 1. : to give a grammatical description of a word or a group of words < learning to spell and parse > 2. : to admit of being parsed < looked at first reading as if it wouldn't parse > |