单词 | continue |
释义 | con·tin·ue intransitive verb 1. a. < continue to go to church each Sunday > b. < the boat continued downstream after discharging the passengers > < the broad beach continues all the way along the promenade > — often used with on < they continued on for a quarter of a mile — Norman Mailer > 2. < but now thy kingdom shall not continue — 1 Sam 13:14 (Authorized Version) > 3. < if the patient continues unconscious > : abide, stay < he cannot long continue here > 4. transitive verb 1. < continued walking all day > : prolong : add to or draw out in length, duration, or development < continue the battle > specifically 2. < continued my subscription for another year > 3. < the trustees were continued > 4. Synonyms: < in continuing cancer research lies the ultimate hope of providing the clinician with solutions to his many diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas — Americana Annual > < the illusion continues that civilization can somehow be reconciled with atomic war — D.F.Fleming > last may focus attention on a length of existence greater than the normal or expected < the work that Michelangelo did complete has lasted well — Stringfellow Barr > endure often calls attention to resistances to destructive and disintegrative forces < it is only the exceptional skeleton, protected by favorable circumstances, of which the bones will endure for thousands of years — A.L.Kroeber > < the government thus established endured till Oregon became a Territory — Joseph Schafer > abide, often poetic or archaic, may suggest unchanging constancy and stability < O Thou who changest not, abide with me — Henry Lyte > < notwithstanding the countless features of … living which were abiding, the changes made themselves felt — John Mason Brown > persist may imply continuing or recurring with or as if with resolution, doggedness, or stubbornness < the idea that there exists a universal remedy which is sovereign over all diseases has persisted through the centuries — G.W.Gray b.1886 > < this tribal structure, though simplified to some extent by past reforms, still persists — Patrick Smith > < these forests have reigned supreme for countless millenia, probably having persisted more or less unchanged for a longer period than any other contemporary forest type — W.H.Hodge > |
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