释义 |
parting I. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English partinge, parting, from gerund of parten to part 1. archaic : departure < nothing troubled me at my parting from the island — Daniel Defoe > 2. a. : the action of separating or dividing into parts : the state of being parted < could feel the soft parting of her lips — Hamilton Basso > < many failures which result in parting of the drill pipe in the well bore — Primer of Oil Well Drilling > b. : separation of the constituents of alloys; especially : the separation of gold from silver (as in refining) 3. : a mutual separation of two or more persons : the action of leaving one another : leave-taking < good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow — Shakespeare > 4. : a part or place where separation occurs: as a. chiefly Britain : part 11 < wavy black hair, neatly brushed into a parting — Christopher La Farge > b. : the joint where one section of a foundry mold meets another 5. : something that serves to separate two or more objects: a. (1) : a thin depositional layer separating thick deposits (as shale in a coal seam) (2) : a geological joint or fissure b. : the fine sand or other similar material used to prevent adhesions of the members of a foundry mold 6. : a process of making combs out of flat plates with little or no waste by cutting the combs two at a time so that the teeth of one comb are formed of the material in the interstices between the teeth of the other comb 7. : lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral due to a cause other than cleavage (as the presence of twinning lamellae) • - parting of the ways II. adjective Etymology: from present participle of part (II) 1. : being in the process of departing < in the direction of the parting figure — A.C.Benson > especially : dying 1a < the curfew tolls the knell of parting day — Thomas Gray > < fortify the parting soul — J.M.Neale > 2. : given, taken, or performed at parting : farewell, final < he remembered his father's parting advice — F.V.W.Mason > < added as a parting shot > 3. : serving to part : constituting a space or boundary between objects : dividing, separating < a parting layer of pure flint — Charles Lyell > 4. archaic : undergoing division : in the process of dividing : breaking up : breaking < the parting ship that instant is no more — William Falconer > 5. : used in foundry work to prevent adhesion of parts of a mold to each other or of sand to molds < parting compound > < parting dust > |