释义 |
con·trib·ute \kən.ˈtribyət, -i(ˌ)byüt, chiefly in substand speech -_bə̇t; usu -d.+V\ verb (contributed \-yəd.ə̇d, -yətə̇d\ ; contributed \“\ ; contributing \-yəd.iŋ, -yətiŋ\ ; contributes \-yəts, -yüts\) Etymology: Latin contributus, past participle of contribuere to bring together, from com- + tribuere to grant, impart — more at tribute transitive verb 1. a. : to give or grant in common with others (as to a common fund or for a common purpose) : give (money or other aid) for a specified object < contribute $10 to the project > b. : to furnish or supply (as a share or part to the advance of a project or development) < primitive living conditions … have contributed a lot to the drift away from these Kimberley stations — F.J.R.Rodd > : add (as knowledge or effort) to a common interest or activity < these explorers contributed much to our knowledge of the Arctic > 2. : to supply (as an article) for a publication intransitive verb 1. obsolete : to pay tribute 2. : to give a part to a common fund or store : lend assistance or aid to a common purpose : have a share in any act or effect < they … contributed to obstruct the progress of wisdom — Oliver Goldsmith > 3. : to write and submit articles to a publication < has written novels and contributed to magazines > |