单词 | passion |
释义 | pas·sion I. 1. often capitalized a. (1) (2) < places the redeeming passion of Christ at the heart of revelation — Times Literary Supplement > < the last dark period culminating in the Passion — F.J.Rae > b. c. d. 2. a. b. 3. a. obsolete < give her what comforts the quality of her passion shall require — Shakespeare > b. archaic 4. a. b. < moldable and not moldable … and many other passions of matter — Francis Bacon > 5. a. (1) < give me that man that is not passion's slave — Shakespeare > < his ruling passion is greed > (2) passions plural < a study of the passions > b. < blue eyes that blazed with passion as he expounded his favorite theme — Honor Tracy > < with enough passion to make a great poet — W.B.Yeats > < when the immediate passions of the war recede into the background — C.E.Black & E.C.Helmreich > c. < she flew into a passion and stabbed him — R.H.Davis > < the grave and stately lady was for once in her life in a towering passion — William Black > d. archaic < here she comes, and her passion ends the play — Shakespeare > e. < jumped up in a passion of alarm — Louis Auchincloss > < began to sob and weep like a little boy, in a perfect passion of emotion — H.G.Wells > 6. a. < one of the truest passions that ever was inspired by woman was raised in this bosom by that lady — W.M.Thackeray > b. < became troubled with the passion for reforming the world — T.L.Peacock > < a passion for chess > < a passion for glory > c. < look with ruffian passion in her face — John Keats > d. < she is his passion of the moment > < fishing is his present passion > Synonyms: < with fanatical passion he attacked Calvinism and presented Methodism as teaching the only way of salvation — H.E.Starr > < an ungovernable childlike passion — W.B.Yeats > < launches into a frenzied oration with the passion of Savanarola — C.L.Sulzberger > < the purely physical urges of sex and its gratification can be summed up as passion — Lois Pemberton > fervor may designate any strong steadily glowing lasting emotion < preached emancipation as a revival in benevolence, with a fervor which mobs could not silence — G.H.Barnes > < the man who seizes on one deep-reaching idea, whether newly found or rediscovered, and with single-hearted fervor forces it upon the world — P.E.More > ardor may differ in suggesting a more demonstrative and excited feeling not so long-lived, although the two words are sometimes interchangeable < the raptures and ardors of sudden conversion to any cause — H.V.Gregory > < imperialism left slain behind, she embraced with ardor the fantastic ideal of the cleaning up of England — Rose Macaulay > enthusiasm may apply to intense interest or admiration for something, often a matter more objective, tangible, or mundane than those calling forth ardor < whose proposed visit to the United States was then stirring enthusiasm among Louisiana-French people — American Guide Series: Louisiana > < waging the campaign of 1856 with enthusiasm — Carol L. Thompson > zeal suggests enthusiastic devotion to a cause < missionary zeal > < the zeal of the Inquisition to burn heretics — M.R.Cohen > < his health was further affected by his zeal in public affairs as well as his enthusiasm in study — Havelock Ellis > Synonym: see in addition desire, distress, feeling. II. transitive verb < turtles passion their voices cooingly — John Keats > intransitive verb < beautiful garden where he had played and passioned in varying moments of grief and glee — George Moore > |
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