

单词 cool
释义 cool
I. \ˈkül\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English cole, from Old English cōl; akin to Old High German kuoli cool, Old English calan to get cold, cald, ceald cold — more at cold
 a. : moderately cold : between tepid and chill : lacking in warmth
  < a cool wind >
  < water a little too cool for swimming >
  < preferred to drink coffee when it was cool rather than hot >
 b. : chilly
  < shivering in the cool air of the evening >
 c. : having refrigeration facilities : under refrigeration
 a. : unaffected by passion, agitation, alarm, perturbation, unsteadying tension : showing calmness, steadiness, impassiveness, resolution, or control
  < “never shoot in a passion”, the excellent advice went on; “only a cool hand is steady” — Joseph Hergesheimer >
  < he was very cool outwardly, but was nervous all the same — Bram Stoker >
 b. : free from excitement, strong feeling, passion, or confusion : marked by deliberate judgment and temperate moderation
  < the heated personal disputes … gave way to cool negotiations — G.B.Shaw >
 c. : experienced, sophisticated
3. : lacking ardor, enthusiasm, warmth, friendliness, or affability : unresponsive and apathetic or unfriendly and antagonistic
 < he received a very cool reception >
 < “a pity you take on so … ”, the young lady said, with a cool, slightly sarcastic air — W.M.Thackeray >
4. of a scent : weak, faint
 < the trail of the fox is cool >
 a. : as indicated : certain, positive : not scant or bare : whole, full
  < a cool million in gambling debts >
 b. : gained, lost, executed, or reckoned calmly or deliberately without excitement or fuss
  < he made a cool $100,000 by his investment schemes >
6. : marked by deliberate unabashed effrontery, presumption, or lack of due deference, respect, or discretion
 < a cool reply >
 < a cool pleasure in stripping the Indians of their horses or silver or blankets — Willa Cather >
 a. : facilitating or suggesting pleasurable sensations of comfort or ease at relief from heat
  < a cool dress >
  < a cool air-conditioned room >
  < the cool beauty of freshwater lakes — American Guide Series: Michigan >
 b. : marked by lack of fervor, dash, or excitement : restful, unemotional, studied
  < simple cool clear prose >
  < cool jazz >
  < sweet cool paintings that are more refreshing than stimulating — Time >
 c. of a color : producing an impression of coolness; specifically : of a hue in the range violet through blue to green
 d. of a musical tone : relatively lacking in timbre or resonance
8. slang : great, excellent; especially : showing a mastery of the latest in approved technique and style
 < as an actor he's real cool >
 < a cool performance >
 composed, collected, unruffled, imperturbable, nonchalant: cool implies general self-control uninfluenced by excitement or emotion
  < my work, I am often told, is cool and serene, entirely reasonable and free of passion — Havelock Ellis >
  < this wonder, that when near her he should be cool and composed, and when away from her wrapped in a tempest of desires — George Meredith >
  It may also imply calm courage, deliberateness, effrontery, or indifference
  < cool and deliberate, he gave his orders in a voice devoid of alarm — J.J.Floherty >
  < the sudden change in her voice, from cool imperial arrogance to terrified pleading — Robert Graves >
  composed refers to absence of indications of agitation or tension
  < she was composed without bravado — Agnes Repplier >
  < did he appear … composed, or was he agitated and alarmed — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  collected implies a concentration of faculties to avoid or overcome distraction
  < they did not look very unhappy, though Mrs. Hawthorne wore her collected Sunday expression — Archibald Marshall >
  unruffled implies an accustomed calmness even in exciting situations
  < on the one hand, feeling at its keenest edge and highest tension; on the other the low, placid, unruffled level of our normal moods — J.L.Lowes >
  < the familiar estate of marriage was preserved in the unruffled calm of their bedroom as in an embalming fluid — Ellen Glasgow >
  imperturbable implies extreme and accustomed calm, rendering one unlikely to be disconcerted, disturbed, or alarmed
  < Irving, the pleasure-loving, genial, imperturbable traveler and gentle hedonist — Saxe Commins >
  < at her side sat a rosy-cheeked imperturbable nurse in a stiff white uniform — W.H.Wright >
  nonchalant suggests easy casualness and an appearance of detached indifference or carefreeness
  < at the back [of the ambulance], haughty in white uniform, nonchalant on a narrow seat was The Doctor — Sinclair Lewis >
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English colen, from Old English cōlian to become cool, from cōl cool
intransitive verb
1. : to become cool : lose heat or warmth : lose some characteristic likened to heat (as force or activity)
 < the summer cooled into autumn — Arnold Bennett >
 < the material exposed to radiation was left alone to cool for a long time >
— sometimes used with off or down
 < cooling off in the evening breezes >
 a. : to lose ardor or passion : to become less fervent, zealous, impassioned, angry, or affectionate : lose intensity : moderate
  < his anger cooled >
  — often used with off or down
  < give those hotheads a chance to cool off — L.C.Douglas >
 b. : to lose enthusiasm or interest and to become tepid, indifferent, suspicious, or inimical — used with on, to, or toward
  < its main backers have cooled on the project >
 c. : to become less hot : allow enough time to pass for a lessening of the police's efforts to capture one — usually used with off
  < hiding out to cool off >
transitive verb
 a. : to impart a feeling of coolness or cold to; often : to refresh by countering the effects of heat
  < the breeze cooled them >
  — often used with off or down
  < a swim cooled us off a little >
 b. : to make less hot or warm : cause loss of heat in : reduce in temperature often to a satisfactory or pleasurable point
  < cool the milk before storing it >
  < cool the vegetables with refrigeration >
  < an engine cooled with water >
  < cool the room with a fan >
  < cool the emotions and restore peace — New York Times >
  — sometimes used with off or down
  < the agitation was cooled down — J.A.Froude >
2. : to moderate the heat or excitement of : allay
 < cool her growing anger >
: moderate, calm
 a. : to check decisively : rob of force or effectiveness : stop
 b. : to knock out; also : kill
  < the gangsters cooled him for squealing >

- cool one's heels
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English cole, from cole, adjective
1. : a cool time, place, occasion, or situation
 < the cool of evening >
2. : coolness
IV. adverb
Etymology: cool (I)
: in a cool manner : coolly
 < play it cool >
V. adjective
: employing understatement and a minimum of detail to convey information and usually requiring the listener, viewer, or reader to complete the message
 < another indication of the very cool … character of this medium — H.M.McLuhan >
VI. verb

- cool it




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