

单词 peak
释义 peak
I. \ˈpēk\ intransitive verb
Etymology: origin unknown
1. obsolete : to go about quietly or dejectedly : be spiritless
 < I, a dull and muddy-mettled rascal peak … and can say nothing — Shakespeare >
2. : to acquire sharpness of figure or features : grow thin : look wan or sickly
 < the new baby was due next month, and its mother inclined to peak — Margery Sharp >
3. : to dwindle away : fade, peter — often used with out
 < before long the game began to peak — T.A.G.Hungerford >
 < the little business they had started finally peaked out >
II. noun
Etymology: probably alteration (perhaps influenced by beak) of 1 and pike (III)
1. : a pointed or projecting part of a garment: as
 a. obsolete : the pointed front of a woman's headdress
 b. : the visor of a cap or hat : bill
  < by way of salutation, jerked the peak of his cap — George Seddon >
2. : a jut of land : promontory
3. : a sharp or pointed end : a projecting point
 < the peaks of the roof — Fiske Kimball >
4. obsolete : a pointed beard
  (1) : the top of a hill or mountain : one of the crests of a mountain or mountain range : summit
   < where pines … look out towards peaks that tower in the distance — Laurence Binyon >
   < the fog hung … heavily on the peak of the hill — H.D.Skidmore >
  (2) : a whole hill or mountain especially when isolated
 b. : something resembling a mountain peak
  < the clouds are piled … in frothy white peaks — Claudia Cassidy >
  < beat steadily … until the frosting will form peaks when the beater is lifted — Marjorie M. Heseltine & Ula M. Dow >
  (1) : the upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail especially when extended by a gaff
  (2) : the upper end of the gaff
  (1) : afterpeak
  (2) : forepeak
 c. : the bill of an anchor
 a. : the very top : pinnacle : the highest level or greatest degree (as of efficiency or excellence) : ultimate
  < his vocal control was at its peak when he did the recording — Paul Hume >
  < the illusion of setting and atmosphere was carried to its peak — W.P.Eaton >
  < none of them attained the highest peaks of the Greek genius — G.A.L.Sarton >
 b. : a high point in a course of development especially as represented or capable of representation on a graph
  < the community prospered … reaching its peak of prosperity and population about 1840 — American Guide Series: Maine >
  < regularize employment and reduce peaks and valleys — New York Times >
  < here for the peak of the season — A.L.Himbert >
 c. : the highest point to which prices rise in a given period
8. : a point formed by the hair on the forehead — called also widow's peak
9. : the maximum value of a periodically varying quantity during a cycle (as of voltage or current): as
 a. : the strongest part of an electronic communications signal
 b. : the maximum signal recorded on a volume indicator in a broadcasting studio
10. : the most sonorous part of a syllable (as a vowel or a syllabic consonant)
III. verb
intransitive verb
1. : to rise or extend to a peak or point : form or appear as a peak
 < beat egg whites until they peak — D.L.Bolinger >
2. : to reach a maximum (as of capacity, value, or activity)
 < a firm whose business peaks from July to December — New York Times >
transitive verb
1. : to cause to come to a peak or point
 < pursed her pretty lips and peaked her eyebrows — Marcia Davenport >
2. : to bring to a maximum
 < stores peak spring stocks too late — Women's Wear Daily >
3. : to adjust (as an electronic communication circuit) so as to cause a signal to have a maximum or a higher value
IV. adjective
: reaching the maximum of capacity, value, or activity
 < the factories of all countries going at peak productivity — Current Biography >
 < the street at peak hours is congested with traffic — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
V. transitive verb
Etymology: apeak
1. : to set nearer the perpendicular (as a gaff or yard)
2. of a whale : to raise (as tail or flukes) straight up in the air in diving vertically
 < the interesting motion known as peaking flukes — R.L.Cook >
3. : to tilt up to a perpendicular or nearly perpendicular position; especially : to hold (oars) with blades well raised
variant of pique
variant of peag




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