释义 |
cor·rec·tion \kəˈrekshən, rapid ˈkre-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English correccion, from Middle French correction, from Latin correction-, correctio, from correctus (past participle of corrigere to make straight, correct) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at correct 1. : the action or an instance of correcting: as a. : the action or an instance of remedying or removing error or defect : amendment, rectification < the correction of stream pollution by the treatment of sewage > < correction of inaccuracies in accounting > b. : the act or an instance of calling attention to, reproving, or punishing faults or deviations from propriety or rectitude : rebuke < kept an iron potlid by him as a projectile for the correction of Mrs. Cruncher in case he should observe any symptoms of her saying grace — Charles Dickens > c. : the action or an instance of making that right which was wrong or of bringing into conformity with a standard < the correction of injustice > < small frontier corrections were made by the conference of nations > d. : the action or an instance of counteracting or neutralizing something harmful or undesirable < correction of acidity > < correction of visual defects with eyeglasses > e. : the action or an instance of adjusting or altering so as to produce a particular condition or result < correction of photographic lenses > f. : a reversal of an exaggerated trend in a market or industry; especially : a decline in market price or in business activity following a protracted sharp rise 2. a. : something that is or should be substituted in place of what is wrong < mark corrections on an examination paper > specifically : an indication on a proof of a change to be made by the printer b. : a quantity applied by way of correcting (as for inaccuracy in an instrument or of its adjustment); specifically : the quantity that must be algebraically added to the result of a measurement to obtain the correct value — compare error 5 3. : the treatment of offenders through a program involving penal custody, parole, and probation < disabilities from which the field of correction has suffered — Yale Law Journal > < two prison wards under the Correction Department — New York Times > — often used in plural < training in the techniques of casework, probation and parole, and the general field of corrections — L.J.Sharp > < the corrections worker who has the interest and courage to look at his own work objectively — C.C.Scott > • - under correction |