释义 |
cor·re·spon·dence \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷dən(t)s\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French correspondence, correspondance, from Medieval Latin correspondentia, from correspondent-, correspondens + Latin -ia 1. a. : the state or condition of agreement of things or of one thing with another : relation of congruity : resemblance or similarity of detail < Joyce elaborates a point-to-point correspondence between the spiritual movements of a little Dublin city-dweller and the mythical wanderings of Ulysses — Francis Fergusson > b. : an instance or point of agreement, similarity, or analogy < many correspondences between the two plays > c. mathematics : definite association of certain members of one aggregate with each member of a second and of certain members of the second with each member of the first 2. a. archaic : relations between persons or groups : social or business relations or communication b. : the communication between persons by an exchange of letters < a long correspondence between the two friends > also : any communication by letter < application should be made by correspondence or in person at our offices > c. : the letters exchanged by correspondents < publication of the Holmes-Laski correspondence > d. : the news, information, or opinion contributed by a correspondent to a newspaper or periodical e. : study or instruction carried on by written communication between student and a correspondence school |