

单词 do
释义 do
I. \(|)dü, _də or+V _dəw\ verb
(past first & third singular did \(|)did, _dəd\ ; or nonstandard done \|dən\ ; second singular did or nonstandard done or archaic didst \(|)di]dzt, _də], ]dst, ]tst\ ; plural did or nonstandard done past part done present part do·ing \|düiŋ\ ; present first singular do second singular do or archaic do·est \|düə̇st\ ; or archaic dost \(|)dəst\ ; third singular does \(|)dəz\ ; or now chiefly nonstandard do or archaic do·eth \ˈdüə̇th\ ; or archaic doth \(|)dəth\ ; plural do)
Etymology: Middle English don, from Old English dōn; akin to Old Frisian duā, duān to do, Old Saxon dūan, Old High German tuon to do, Latin -dere to put, facere to make, do, Greek tithenai to place, set, Sanskrit dadhāti he puts, places, sets, Old Slavic děti to lay; basic meaning: setting, placing
transitive verb
1. archaic : cause, make — used with an infinitive following the object
 < do me not before my time to die — Edmund Spenser >
2. : to bring to pass : carry out
 < it is my earnest desire to know the will of Providence … and if I can learn what it is I will do it — Abraham Lincoln >
3. : put
 < he did the diadem on — Philemon Holland >
— now usually used in the phrase do to death
 < had been hounded down and done to death as heretics — Stringfellow Barr >
4. : to perform (as an action) by oneself or before another : execute
 < you're bound to do much more walking … than you're accustomed to — Richard Joseph >
 < watched the natives do a sacred dance >
 a. : to be the cause of : bring about as a result : effect
  < his vacation did him a great deal of good >
  < the portrait … does him great injustice — Mary R. Mitford >
 b. : to give freely : render, pay
  < have not sought the honor you have done me — A.E.Stevenson b.1900 >
  < pilgrims having done their homage to the tomb — Virginia Woolf >
6. : to bring to an end : complete, finish
 < when she had done washing, it was a soft white silky fleece — Seumas O'Kelly >
 < work waiting for them back on the … prairies when the fun was done — F.B.Gipson >
7. : to put forth in achieving an end : exert
 < treason has done his worst — Shakespeare >
 < he did his best to win the race >
 < a place where there are men doing thinking — Woodrow Wilson >
8. : to wear out especially by physical exertion : exhaust, tire
 < men and horses … were pretty well done by the time we got in — C.A.Murray >
9. : to bring (as a work of art) into existence especially through the exercise of thought or imagination
 < he's going to do an article on you — Barnaby Conrad >
 < the … paintings were done under the immediate influence of his academic masters — Herbert Read >
 < the commission to do a work for the … Music Festival — Ross Parmenter >
 a. : to play the part of (as a character in a play)
  < did the leading lady in several comedies >
 b. : to act in or serve as producer of
  < told one of the directors … that she would have done my play — Thomas Wolfe >
  < they were doing a purely musical program — Jack Gould >
11. : to take advantage of : treat unfairly
 < a great bookseller who … charges very high prices, he has done me many a time — H.J.Laski >
especially : cheat
 < had played the dirty trick on the farmer and done him out of his woodland — Dorothy C. Fisher >
 < they did him out of his share of the fortune >
12. : to convert from one language or literary form to another — usually used with into
 < do a book from Latin into English >
 < a prose essay done into rhyming couplets >
13. : to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention: as
  (1) : to put in order : clean
   < was doing the parlor when the phone rang >
  (2) : to make ready for use : wash
   < did the dishes right after supper >
  (1) : to make ready for cooking or serving
   < do the beets with vinegar >
  (2) : cook
   < likes his steak well done >
 c. : set, arrange
  < her hair is done in that ugly pompadour of the period — J.P.Marquand >
 d. : to apply cosmetics to
  < she had done her face and fixed her … hair — Hamilton Basso >
 e. : decorate, furbish
  < did the front bedroom in blue >
  < did the dining room over >
 a. : to be occupied with or employed in : work at especially as a vocation
  < wanted to go on doing chemistry all his life — J.B.S.Haldane >
  < hardly knows what he wants to do when he finishes college >
 b. : to prepare or work out especially by studying
  < did his lessons faithfully >
 a. : to pass over (as distance) : cover, traverse
  < did 300 miles on the second day of their trip >
  < the car did 18 miles to the gallon of gasoline >
 b. : to travel at a speed of
  < two cars doing 80 on the turnpike >
16. : to visit and explore as or as if a sightseer : tour
 < tried to do England in a month >
 < spent all afternoon doing one wing of the museum >
17. : to satisfy the needs of : serve, suffice
 < our coats would do us for the goalposts — Mary Purcell >
18. : to serve (as a term of imprisonment) under restraint : undergo
 < was doing five years for forgery >
19. : to approve especially by custom, opinion, or propriety — usually used in the passive voice and with a negative
 < you oughtn't to say a thing like that … it's not done — Dorothy Sayers >
20. : to provide especially for the physical comfort of — usually used with well
 < the largish restaurant was full of lunchers all doing themselves exceedingly well — Arnold Bennett >
21. — used as a substitute verb to avoid repetition of a verb
 < I … chose my wife as she did her wedding gown — Oliver Goldsmith >
often in a conclusion to a condition
 < if you have anything more to say, do it now >
intransitive verb
1. : to conduct oneself : act, behave
 < never knew him to do like this before — J.M.MacDonald >
 < do as I say >
 a. : to get along : fare
  < men who wish to do well in the world — R.M.Weaver >
  < how are your crops doing? >
  < the airlines were doing pretty well — Richard Witkin >
 b. : to be as regards health : feel
  < how do you do >
3. : to take place : go on : happen
 < should get to know more about … Africa and what's doing there — Emory Ross >
4. : to carry on business or affairs : manage
 < how shall we do for money for these wars — Shakespeare >
5. : to come to or make an end : finish
 < worked busily for a few minutes and when he had done, the stretcher was a rectangle — Norman Mailer >
 < he had done with speech for that evening and gave us no reply — Arnold Bennett >
6. : to exert oneself : be active : work
 < let us then be up and doing — H.W.Longfellow >
7. obsolete : to continue with an action that one is already performing : proceed with an action that one has prepared to perform : go ahead — used in the imperative to express encouragement or incitement
 a. : to be adequate or sufficient : answer the purpose : serve
  < said this country would do for dairy farming — Ellen Glasgow >
  < an ordinary trout rod of about five ounces … will do nicely — Pete Barrett >
  < will not do as a translation — R.A.Fowkes >
 b. : to be fitting or appropriate : conform to custom or propriety
  < it would never do to neglect official obligations — W.F.de Morgan >
9. — used as a substitute verb to avoid repetition of a verb
 < when beauty lived and died as flowers do now — Shakespeare >
often in a reply to a question
 < did you go to the movies? I did >
10. — used in the imperative after an imperative verb to add emphasis
 < be quiet, do >
verbal auxiliary
 a. archaic — used with the infinitive without to to form periphrastic present and past tenses virtually interchangeable with the corresponding simple tenses; now used in biblical or ecclesiastical language
  < I do set my bow in the cloud — Gen 9:13(Authorized Version) >
  or in legal or parliamentary language
  < the motion for adjournment, in order to supersede a question, must be simply that the House do now adjourn — T.E.May >
  or in poetry
  < so offers he to give what she did crave — Shakespeare >
  or in British dialect
  < ye do be always with the hounds — Charles Lever >
  — not used with be in American English or in standard British English, nor with have in the literal sense of “possess” in standard British English
 b. — used with the infinitive without to to form periphrastic present and past tenses now more generally current and acceptable than the corresponding simple tenses in declarative sentences with inverted word order
  < fervently do we pray — Abraham Lincoln >
  or in interrogative sentences
  < did you hear that >
  or in negative sentences
  < we do not know >
  < don't you see >
  — not used with be in American English or in standard British English, nor with have in the literal sense of “possess” in standard British English
 c. — used with full stress with the infinitive without to to form periphrastic present and past tenses expressing greater emphasis than the corresponding simple tenses
  < just as I expected, you did forget my birthday >
  — not used with be in American English or in standard British English, nor with have in the literal sense of “possess” in standard British English
 a. — used with full stress with the infinitive without to to form a periphrastic imperative expressing greater emphasis than the simple imperative
  < do be careful >
 b. — used with the infinitive without to to form a periphrastic imperative now used to the exclusion of the simple imperative in negative sentences
  < please do not enter >
  < don't be foolish >

- do by
- do one's block
- do proud
- do withal
- to do
II. \ˈdü\ noun
(plural dos or do's \ˈdüz\)
1. now chiefly dialect : fuss and commotion : ado
 < a great deal of do and a great deal of trouble — Sir Walter Scott >
2. archaic : deed, duty — used especially in the phrase to do one's do
3. chiefly Britain
 a. : a festive get-together : affair, party
  < it is fashionable to support the public school system with an annual do — A.C.Spectorsky >
 b. : a military engagement : show
  < he was at Dieppe for the big do — Robert Trout >
4. : a command or entreaty to do something
 < the basic dos and don'ts of mental health — Peg Bradner >
5. Australia : go, success
 < looks a bit of a gamble to me but if you think you can make a do of it — Vance Palmer >
III. noun
also doh \ˈdō\
(plural dos or do's \ˈdōz\)
Etymology: Italian do
1. : the first tone of the diatonic scale in solmization : tonic
2. : the tone C in the fixed-do system of solmization
IV. noun
Etymology: Japanese
: any of numerous regions or large districts each containing several provinces into which Japan was formerly divided
V. abbreviation
VI. transitive verb
1. : to attack physically : beat ; also : kill
2. : mimic ; also : to behave like
 < do a Houdini and disappear >
3. : to consume or take regularly : use
 < doesn't do cocaine >
4. : to have sexual intercourse with
5. : to partake of : eat
 < do lunch >

- do a number on
VII. \ˈdü\ noun
Etymology: by shortening
: hairdo




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