

单词 council
释义 coun·cil
I. \ˈkau̇n(t)sə̇l also ˈkän-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English counceil, conceil (influenced in meaning by Middle English counseil, conseil counsel, council), from Old French concile assembly, ecclesiastical assembly, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin concilium ecclesiastical assembly, from Latin, assembly, from com- + -cilium (from calare to call) — more at counsel, low
 a. : an assembly of ecclesiastics or church representatives convened to consider matters of doctrine, discipline, law, morals, or the relation of the Christian church to world problems
  < seven widely recognized ecumenical (or general) councils of the Christian church are those held at Nicaea, 325; Constantinople, 381; Ephesus, 431; Chalcedon, 451; Constantinople, 553; Constantinople, 680; Nicaea, 787 >
 b. : a meeting of the Sanhedrin or of a similar minor assembly with limited jurisdiction
  < the Pharisees went out and held a council against him — Mt 12:14 (Authorized Version) >
2. : a deliberative assembly
 < the department is under a prefect and an elected general council of 36 members — Statesman's Year Book >
: an assembly or meeting held for consultation, advice, or discussion
 < a council among the leaders >
: a meeting for discussion
3. : a somewhat permanent group elected or appointed to constitute an advisory body or a body with a degree of legislative power
 < a privy council >
 < a council of state >
 < a governor's council >
4. : an administrative body: as
 a. : a local governing instrumentality (as of a town, borough, city, or county)
  < county councils in England >
  < borough councils in the U.S. >
 b. : a collegial executive body
  < the Federal Council of Switzerland >
 c. : one of three governing bodies of a British university composed chiefly of persons not otherwise connected with the institution and charged with administrative functions — compare court 4c, senate
 d. : soviet
 e. : a governing body consisting of voting delegates from local labor unions united in a federation
5. : the deliberation carried on in a council or council chamber : consultation
 < summoned to council >
sometimes : counsel
 a. : a federation of or a central body uniting a group of organizations
 b. : a local chapter of an organization
 c. : club, society, association
II. intransitive verb
(counciled or councilled ; counciled or councilled ; counciling or councilling \-s(ə̇)liŋ\ ; councils)
: to hold a council : meet and deliberate in council — used especially of the councils of American Indians
III. adjective
1. : used for councils especially by or with No. American Indians
 < a council ground >
2. Britain : built, maintained, or operated by a local governing agency
 < a council house >
 < council flats >




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