释义 |
coun·try I. \ˈkən.trē, -ri\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English cuntree, contree, from Old French contrée, from Medieval Latin contrata landscape, country, literally, that which is situated opposite the beholder, from Latin contra against, on the opposite side + -ata (feminine of -atus -ate) — more at counter 1. a. : an expanse of land of undefined but usually considerable extent : region, district < the North country > b. : a district or area marked by some distinguishing feature < hill country > < Indian country > < tobacco country > < bad country for walking > c. : land < much country sown to grass > 2. a. : the land of a person's origin, birth, residence, or citizenship : motherland or home region < in my own country > b. : a political state or nation : the territory of a usually independent nation that is distinct as to name and the characteristics or attributes of its people < the country of Mexico > c. : area of interest or affiliation : sphere < the borderline country between aesthetics and psychology — Kathleen Raine > 3. a. : the people of a state or district : populace, citizenry < the Hunt Fête … drew the entire country — Elizabeth Bowen > b. : the jury by which a defendant is tried — used especially in legal phrases < the litigant puts himself upon his country > < tried by God and his country > c. : the electorate regarded as the authority to which political controversy may be appealed < the government will go to the country with this issue > 4. : rural regions as distinguished from city, town, or other thickly inhabited and built-up areas < walk out in the country > 5. a. : a region of the ocean b. : the part of a ship especially in the United States Navy near officers' cabins < wardroom country > < admiral's country > 6. cricket : outfield 7. or country rock : the rock in which a mineral deposit or intrusion is enclosed • - across country II. adjective Etymology: Middle English cuntree, contree, from cuntree, contree, n. 1. a. obsolete : of one's own country : native b. India : of or belonging to India or an adjacent land < three European ships and a country ship > 2. a. : living, located, or operating in the country : of, belonging, or appropriate to rural regions : suitable to or suggestive of the country rather than the city < a country school > < one big rawboned country preacher — Eudora Welty > < expensive and decorative country clothes — Susan Ertz > b. : prepared, processed, or preserved with farmhouse supplies and procedures rather than those employed in industrial plants < country butter > < country sugar > < country ham > III. noun : country music IV. adjective 1. : of, relating to, suitable for, or featuring country music < a country singer > < country fiddling > < country radio stations > 2. : of or relating to a decorative style associated with life in the country ; also : possessing a style of rustic simplicity |