释义 |
cou·pon \ˈk(y)üˌpän\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from Old French coupon, copon piece, from couper, coper to cut — more at cope 1. : a statement of due interest to be cut from a bearer bond when payable and presented for payment 2. : a form, slip, or section of a paper resembling a bond coupon in that it may be surrendered in order to obtain some article, service, or accommodation: as a. : one of a series of attached tickets or certificates often for accommodations or services to be detached and presented as needed < a railroad ticket with many coupons > b. : a ticket or form authorizing purchases of rationed commodities as indicated < a clothing coupon > < the three coupons required for the gasoline > c. : a token or certificate given with a purchase and redeemable in merchandise or cash — compare trading stamp d. : a trademark, wrapper, box top, or similar evidence of a purchase for which premium articles are given e. : a part of a printed advertisement designed to be cut or torn off for use as an order blank or as a form for inquiry f. : a leaf of a credit account booklet to be removed to accompany installment payments and identify the customer g. : a form or check indicating a credit against future purchases or expenditures h. Britain : a blank for entering one's choices in a sports pool < filling out his football coupon > 3. : a test sample < taking off a coupon of the steel plate > 4. : a party recommendation given to a candidate for parliament in acknowledgment of his pledge to the party leader |