释义 |
cou·rant I. \ˈkər.ənt, ˈkə.rənt sometimes ˈku̇rənt or k(y)üˈrant or -üˈränt\ noun (-s) Etymology: probably from French courante, from feminine of courant current, running, from present part of courir to run : newspaper — obs. except in names of newspapers II. \ˈku̇rənt; küˈrant, -änt\ adjective Etymology: French, from present participle of courir to run, from Latin currere — more at current heraldry : running < a stag courant > III. \kəˈrant\ intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: courante 1. dialect England : romp, caper 2. dialect England : to go about gossiping |