

单词 presentation
释义 pre·sen·ta·tion
\ˌprēˌzen.ˈtāshən, ˌprezən-, ˌprēzən-\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English presentacioun, from Middle French presentation, from Late Latin praesentation-, praesentatio, from Latin praesentatus (past participle of praesentare to present) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at present
1. : the act of presenting: as
  (1) : the act, power, or privilege especially of a patron of applying usually by deed to the bishop or ordinary for the institution of one nominated to a benefice
  (2) : the appointment to a benefice through being so presented — compare collation, nomination
 b. : the nomination by one ecclesiastical authority (as a vestry) of a candidate to be appointed by another (as a bishop)
 c. often capitalized : the act of formally presenting a person before God as a ceremonial religious act
  < the presentation of Christ in the temple >
 d. : the act of presenting usually in a formal manner for acceptance : bestowal, delivery
  < the presentation of an honors thesis — Official Register of Harvard University >
  < presentation of the colors >
 e. : the act of setting forth for the notice or attention of the mind : statement
  < the presentation of information … by the executive to Congress — Vera M. Dean >
  < the military officer must learn to make staff presentations — Dallas Albritton >
  < limited most novelists to the presentation … of the life they know best — F.B.Millett >
 f. : the act of presenting to sight or view : pictorial, theatrical, or symbolic representation : display, exhibition, show
  < news happenings which … lend themselves to visual presentationCurrent Biography >
  < presentation of a ballet >
 g. : the act of formally presenting a candidate (as for examination or for conferral of a degree)
 h. : the formal or ceremonious introduction of a person (as to an assembly or at a royal court)
  < presentation of a nationally recognized speaker to the … student body — Bulletin of Meharry Medical College >
  < induce … one of the great ladies of the court to act as sponsor at her presentation — R.D.Benn >
2. : someone or something presented: as
 a. : a symbol or image that represents something
  < presentation on a radar screen >
 b. : something offered or given : donation, gift, present
  < make this scholarship an annual presentationSpringfield (Massachusetts) Union >
 c. : one set forth, represented, or delineated for the attention of the mind
  < the author of a more formal presentation — Arthur Knight >
3. : the position in which the fetus lies in the uterus in labor with respect to the mouth of the uterus
 < face presentation >
 < breech presentation >
4. : a datum of perception or sense appearance; specifically : the element in the cognition of an object which is given by direct awareness as distinguished from that which is added by association or thinking
 < a visual presentation of a baseball … is spatially bidimensional — Nelson Goodman >
5. : appearance in conscious experience either as a sensory product or as a memory image
6. usually capitalized
 a. : candlemas 1
 b. : a church feast celebrating the presentation of the Virgin Mary in the temple observed in both Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches on November 21
7. : the method by which radio, navigation, or radar information is given to the operator (as the pilot of an airplane)




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