单词 | press |
释义 | press I. 1. a. < there was … a press of people trying to force their way past the powerful yeomen ushers — Leslie Hotson > < perched on the folded-down top of a convertible, to roll down the boardwalk with a press of people following her car — Pete Martin > b. archaic c. < had difficulty keeping his feet in the press and surge of the mob > < had been pushed out of their home territories by the press of white settlement — American Guide Series: Ind. > 2. a. b. c. 3. 4. < a press of a button > < a press of the hand > < finishes with a light press of the earth over the newly planted seed > < could no longer stand against the steady press of the Roman lines — A.C.Whitehead > 5. < a fabric that keeps its press > < a good press on these trousers > 6. a. b. chiefly Britain c. < to see a book through the press > d. < a university press > also 7. a. < freedom of the press > b. < the press has three functions: to inform, to influence, and to entertain — R.E.Wolseley > < the American press > < the Democratic press > < the religious press > c. < the press … is very apt to think in the local terms of the papers that they represent — F.D.Roosevelt > d. < the navy … is enjoying a good press — Atlantic > 8. a. b. 9. a. b. c. d. 10. Synonyms: see crowd • - in press II. transitive verb 1. a. < found that if a telegraph key was pressed down hard a stronger current ran through the wires — Roger Burlingame > b. 2. a. < enemy forces pressed the town hard on all sides > < single lions, past their prime … become now and then the quarry of a pack hard pressed by hunger — James Stevenson-Hamilton > b. < the bondslaves of our day, whom dirt and danger press — Rudyard Kipling > c. 3. a. < press grapes > b. c. 4. a. < my host pressed me to drink — Allen Upward > < came from the dance for a few minutes to press his friend to join it — Jane Austen > b. 5. 6. a. < presses upon us similar reflections — G.G.Coulton > b. < press a conciliatory approach on him > 7. < the bridge trains were ordered to press the march at highest possible speed — P.W.Thompson > < must press action wherever I can, show people that I mean business when I talk about a flight across the ocean — C.A.Lindbergh b. 1902 > 8. < pressed the visitor's hand > < pressed the well loved woman to him > 9. intransitive verb 1. < hundreds pressed about the performer after the show > 2. 3. obsolete 4. a. < was now pressing for eight dreadnoughts, rather than six — Virginia Cowles > b. < pressed aggressively for power development > 5. < time presses > < let me know if anything presses > 6. < care pressed upon his mind > 7. < a fabric that presses well > 8. Synonyms: < pressed the crowd back > < press out the grapes > < he pressed the agitated girl into a seat — Thomas Hardy > < determined to press the matter — Rose Macaulay > < when pressed for details he always closed his eyes — L.C.Douglas > < construction was therefore pressed at feverish speed — American Guide Series: Florida > < the Conservatives, fearing for imperial security, pressed the Labor government hard — Collier's Year Book > bear in the sense here discussed may apply to the application of any pressure or force, often actually or figuratively downward or backward < the weight of the roof bears on these pillars > < his debts bore heavily on him > < his activity and zeal bore down all opposition — T.B.Macaulay > < Clan Alpine's best are backward borne — Sir Walter Scott > squeeze applies to pressure on all sides to flatten or crush, to force in pressing into a small circumscribed space, to pressure, to extract, elicit, or compel < squeeze an orange > < to make newly joined officers squeeze through the narrowest shelves of a dinner wagon — J.S.Bradford > < to squeeze more education out of the G.I. bill — Louis Auchincloss > < large scale immigration during the 19th century squeezed Negro artisans and laborers out of industry — American Guide Series: New Jersey > crowd may indicate forceful pushing, pressing, or packing together of people < never have more startling twists been crowded into the concluding scene of a melodrama — John Mason Brown > < I hope not too many try to crowd in here at once. It isn't a very big room — John Steinbeck > < at first volunteers crowded the recruiting stations, could not be used — Elsie Singmaster > jam suggests wedging in with great pressure or force, sometimes so that subsequent movement is impossible or difficult < jam the shirts into the suitcase > < an upturned boat jammed by the current against the timbers — H.G.Wells > < jammed in the schoolhouse and standing about fifty deep outside — American Guide Series: Maryland > • - press one's luck III. transitive verb 1. < the cutter is often mentioned … with regard to revenue work and law enforcement, in seizing illegal goods, or in pressing men for naval service — H.I.Chapelle > 2. a. < pressed a passing car to give chase > b. < pressed a passerby into service to warn off traffic > intransitive verb IV. 1. 2. obsolete V. obsolete VI. VII. VIII. also press flesh • - press the flesh |
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