

单词 presuppose
释义 pre·sup·pose
\-ōz\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English presupposen, from Middle French presupposer, modification (influenced by poser to put, place) of Medieval Latin praesupponere (perfect stem praesuppos-), from Latin prae- pre- + Medieval Latin supponere to suppose — more at suppose
1. : to suppose beforehand : form an opinion or judgment of in advance : expect
 < presupposes that we are acquainted with the general outline — Daniel George >
2. : to require as a necessary antecedent condition in logic or fact : imply
 < true amiability presupposes discernment, tact, a sense for what other people really feel and want — George Santayana >
 < every act of ours … presupposes a balance of thought, feeling, and will — Joseph Conrad >
 presume, assume, postulate, premise, posit: presuppose indicates a taking for granted of something as true or existent, ranging from hazy, casual, uncritical acceptance or belief to certainty through the requirements of logical causation
  < Puritanism presupposed an intelligent clergy capable of interpreting Scripture — American Guide Series: Massachusetts >
  < culture, which exists only through man, who is also a social animal, presupposes society — A.L.Kroeber >
  presume may imply that whatever is taken for granted is entitled to belief until disproved; broadly it may imply casual conjecture
  < everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty — U.N. Declaration of Human Rights >
  < nobody in Baskul had known much about him except that he had arrived from Persia, where it was presumed he had something to do with oil — James Hilton >
  assume indicates arbitrary or deliberate acceptance of something not proved or demonstrated or susceptible of being proved or demonstrated, or acceptance in accord with what evidence is available
  < there are many laws at present which are inequitable, because, for example, they assume a freedom of choice on the part of one party which under existing social circumstances is not there — Norbert Wiener >
  < if we take the witness at his word and assume that he has this fear — B.N.Meltzer >
  postulate may suggest assumption acknowledged as indemonstrable but accepted as true because indispensable as the basis for some thought series or procedure
  < the prevailing theological system is one which postulates the reality of guidance by a personal god — Aldous Huxley >
  < in the field of chemistry the nature philosophers postulated that electrical forces were responsible for the combination of chemical substances, a theory which enjoyed a considerable following when experimental evidence for the view was later discovered — S.F.Mason >
  premise indicates laying down a proposition from which an inference can be drawn or stating facts and principles fundamental to an argument
  < Bentham's hopes for such a “hedonistic” or “felicific calculus” and for a system of legislation and jurisprudence constructed by its use were premised on the assumption that pleasures and pains can be compared quantitatively — Lucius Garvin >
  posit may apply to something premised as a truth or declared conviction
  < St. Thomas posits the composition of substance and accident as the objective basis of mathematical abstraction — F.G.Connolly >




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