释义 |
pri·a·pism \ˈprīəˌpizəm\ noun (-s) Etymology: French & Late Latin; French priapisme, from Late Latin priapismus, from Greek priapismos, from priapizein to be lewd, to be a Priapus (from Priapos, Greco-Roman god of procreation and fertility usually portrayed in sculpture with an erect phallus + -izein -ize) + -ismos -ism 1. : an abnormal, more or less persistent, and often painful erection of the penis; especially : one caused by disease rather than sexual desire 2. : a phallic figure 3. : a lewd act or display • pri·a·pis·mic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|pizmik\ adjective |