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pri·mary I. \ˈprīˌmerē, -_m(ə)rē, -ri\ adjective Etymology: Late Latin primarius basic, primary, from Latin, principal, from primus first + -arius -ary — more at prime 1. a. : first in order of time or development : initial : primitive < the primary forest > < the primary stage of civilization > < primary tuberculosis > b. (1) : of or relating to geological formations of the Paleozoic and earlier periods (2) of minerals or ore deposits : formed first; especially : formed under igneous, pneumatolytic, or hydrothermal conditions : hypogene 2. a. : first in rank or importance : chief, principal < the primary duty of safeguarding the peace of the world — P.J.Noel-Baker > < the primary member of the cabinet > b. : basic, fundamental < man has always used the most durable materials available for his primary tools — R.W.Murray > < the family is still the primary human association — Kimball Young > c. : of, relating to, or constituting the principal quills of a bird's wing d. : of or relating to agriculture, forestry, and the extractive industries or their products < primary economic activities > < primary goods > < world primary prices have dipped significantly below their recent peaks — W.T.C.King > e. : expressive of present or future time — used of a grammatical tense < the present, future, perfect, and future perfect indicative are the Greek primary tenses > f. : of, relating to, or constituting the strongest of the three or the four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists 3. : functioning or transmitted without intermediary : direct < require primary assistance if they are to be kept from starving and freezing to death — New York Times > 4. a. : not derived from or dependent on something else : firsthand, independent, original < a very useful primary historical source — R.A.Hall b.1911 > < primary research > b. of a color : not derivable from other colors c. : preparatory to something else : belonging to the first stage of some continuing process or series; specifically : of or relating to a primary school < primary education > < primary grades > < primary instruction > d. : belonging to the first group or order in successive divisions, combinations, or ramifications < primary nerves > < primary compounds > e. : of, relating to, or constituting the inducing current or its circuit in an induction coil or transformer < the primary voltage > < primary current > f. : directly derived from ore : virgin < primary aluminum > < primary copper > 5. : characterized by replacement in the first degree : resulting from the substitution of one of two or more atoms or groups in a molecule < a primary phosphate > especially : being or characterized by a carbon atom united by a single valence to only one chain or ring member < a primary radical RCH2− such as ethyl or benzyl > — compare secondary, tertiary II. noun (-es) 1. : something that stands first in order, rank, or importance : fundamental — usually used in plural 2. [short for primary planet] a. : a planet as distinguished from its satellites b. : the brighter component of a double star 3. a. also primary quill : one of the quills on the distal joint of a bird's wing that are attached to the bones of the hand and its fingers and are usually 9 or 10 in number — see bird illustration b. : either of the forewings of an insect c. (1) : one of the first formed plates in the development of the skeleton of an echinoderm after metamorphosis (2) : an ambulacral plate of a sea urchin extending half across the ambulacral area; also : the largest spine or one of the largest spines on any plate of the test or the tubercle bearing it — compare secondary 6c 4. a. : primary color b. : a primary-color sensation 5. : primary coil 6. [translation of French (assemblée) primaire] a. : caucus 1b b. or primary election : an election in which qualified voters nominate or express a preference for a particular candidate or group of candidates for political office, choose party officials, or select delegates for a party convention — see closed primary, direct primary, nonpartisan primary, open primary, presidential primary III. adjective 1. : of, relating to, or being the amino acid sequence in proteins < primary protein structure > 2. : of, relating to, involving, or derived from primary meristem < primary tissue > < primary growth > 3. : of, relating to, or involved in the production of organic substances by green plants < primary productivity > 4. : providing primary care < a primary physician > |