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print I. \ˈprint\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English printe, prente, preinte, from Old French preinte, from preint, past participle of preindre to press, from Latin premere — more at press 1. a. (1) : a mark made by impression : a line, character, figure, or indentation made by the pressure of one thing on another < sealed with a print of his thumb in soft wax > < the delicate prints of a squirrel in snow > (2) : a mental impression : imprint < these sorrows left their print on his spirit > b. obsolete : vestige c. : something impressed with a print or formed in a mold < obtained an accurate plaster print of the convolutions of the skull > < a print of butter > d. : an intaglio impression reproducing in reverse an original having somewhat slight relief; also : a cast or impression in relief taken from such an intaglio e. : core print f. : tracing 2c 2. : a device or instrument (as a stamp, die, or mold) for impressing or forming a print 3. a. : printed state or form < to see his name in print > < put a poem into print > b. : the printing craft or industry < wise in the ways of print > c. : type < set it up in print > 4. a. (1) : printed matter; especially : a printed publication (2) prints plural : printed papers or cards (as newspapers, pamphlets, sheet music, address cards, printing proofs, engravings) of the specifications set forth in United States postal regulations b. : newsprint 5. : printed letters : printed matter with regard to quality, size, or form < clear print > < large print > < small print > 6. a. : a copy made by any printing process < color prints > < sporting prints > b. (1) : a reproduction of an original painting or other work of art obtained usually by a photomechanical process (2) : an artistic work sometimes with accompanying text published on a page of not more than four folds in a periodical or separately to advertise merchandise and entitled to copyright registration under English copyright law c. : cloth with a pattern or figured design applied by printing d. : a product of the silk-screen process e. (1) : a photographic copy made on a sensitized surface (as from a negative or from a drawing on transparent paper) (2) : a photographic negative made from a positive, a negative made from a negative, or a positive made from a positive (3) : a developed motion picture-film containing positive images as printed from a negative 7. : something (as a dress) made of a print fabric < ruffled prints for your kitchen windows > • - in print - out of print II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English printen, prenten, from printe, prente print transitive verb 1. a. : to make an impression in or upon : mark with a print < two small light feet that barely printed the soft soil > < fresh butter worked, salted, and printed > b. : to cause (as a mark) to be stamped : make (an impression or mark) by or as if by pressure < print his seal in wax > c. : to apply pressure with (as a stamp of the foot) so as to leave an impression 2. a. : to make a copy of by impressing paper against an inked printing surface or by an analogous method < printing columned pages > < print bank notes > — often used with up b. : to perform or cause to be performed all or some of the operations necessary to the production of (as a publication, a piece of printed matter, a picture) < print greeting cards > < print an edition of a newspaper > c. : to impress (as wallpaper or cloth) with a design or pattern < print cloth with linoleum blocks > < this air-dried tub-sized paper is easy to print — Graphic Arts Monthly > : impress (a pattern or design) on something < printed gay foliage on sheer linen > d. : to publish in print < “all the news that's fit to print” — New York Times > 3. : to form manually in unjoined characters resembling those of ordinary type < print the name and address clearly > 4. a. : to make (a positive picture) on sensitized photographic paper, film, plate, or other material from a negative or a positive b. : to make (a negative) from a negative or a positive intransitive verb 1. a. : to use or practice the art of typography : work as a printer b. : to produce printed matter < the new rotary press prints very rapidly > c. : to make a printed copy < badly worn type prints poorly > d. : to be susceptible of printing < this paper prints badly > 2. archaic : publish; especially : to publish an article or a book 3. : to write or hand-letter in imitation of unjoined printed characters 4. of a firearm or a bullet : to puncture a paper target |