释义 |
pri·or·i·ty \prīˈȯrəd.ē, -rətē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English priorite, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin prioritat-, prioritas, from Latin prior former, prior + -itat-, -itas -ity 1. : the quality or state of being prior: as a. (1) : antecedence in time (2) : precedence in date or position of publication — used of taxa; see law of priority (3) : the quality or state of being prior logically, methodologically, or epistemologically b. : superiority in rank, position, privilege, or other quality < the priority in law of liens on a property > 2. : something that is prior or that conveys precedence: as a. : a wartime preferential rating assigned by a government for the delivery of products according to the relative need of each for national defense and the proportionate allocation of scarce materials b. : any preferential rating assigning rights to scarce products or materials, limited services, transportation, or surplus property or prescribing the order in which assignments are to be attended to c. : something requiring or meriting attention prior to competing alternatives < a priority project > < high on our list of priorities is a trip to New York > |