

单词 double
释义 dou·ble
I. \ˈdəbəl\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French doble, double, from Latin duplus, from du- (from duo two) + -plus multiplied by; akin to Old Frisian twīfil doubt, Old High German zwīval, Gothic tweifls doubt, Middle Irish dīabul double, Greek diploos double, Old English fealdan to fold — more at two, fold
1. : having a twofold relation or character : combining two often dissimilar things or qualities : dual
 < the wonderful double gift of seeing and saying — Carlos Baker >
 < a discussion of verbs with double function … verbs used both transitively and intransitively — A.M.Sturtevant >
2. : consisting of two usually combined members, things, or sets : having two parts joined together : forming a pair
 < double balconies running around three sides of a grassy courtyard — Tom Marvel >
 < an egg with a double yolk >
3. : being two times as great or as many : multiplied by two : twofold
 < the college had double the number of expected applicants >
 < was produced in quantities double the prewar output >
4. : characterized by duplicity : acting two parts or in two ways, one usually being praiseworthy and the other blameworthy : deceitful, hypocritical, insincere
 < never speaks with a double tongue — T.B.Costain >
 < a double agent … pretending to serve the Nazis while actually working for the British — New York Herald Tribune >
5. : folded in two : doubled
 < letters written on double sheets of stationery >
6. : made, being, or having parts twice as large, strong, or valuable: as
 a. of a coin : worth two of the specified unit
  < double ducat >
  < double taler >
 b. printing : of twice or almost twice the belly-to-back size of — used only of pre-point-system type names
  < double great primer >
  < double paragon >
  < double pica >
  — compare two-line
 c. : having the shorter dimension doubled — used of a paper size
  < crown is 15 x 20 and double crown is 30 x 20 >
  — compare quad
 a. : of extra size, strength, or value
  < a mighty mug of … double ale — Lord Byron >
 b. : having more than the normal number of floral leaves often at the expense of the sporophylls
  < double stamens >
  — used especially of cultivated plants
8. music
 a. : duple 2a
 b. : sounding an octave lower than the single or normal instrument
 a. of meter : duple 2b
 b. of rhyme : having two syllables
10. of a card game : played with two full packs of cards mixed together
 < double pinochle >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from double, adjective
1. : something twice the ordinary size, strength, speed, quantity, or value: as
  (1) : an old French billon coin worth about two deniers
  (2) : a copper or bronze coin of Guernsey worth about 1/8 English penny
 b. : any of various feasts in the Roman Catholic church ranking above a simple in order of precedence
 c. : a 16-foot organ stop
 d. doubles plural : a game between two pairs of players
  < played three sets of doubles >
  < his doubles partner >
 e. : a two-base hit in baseball
  < led the league in doubles >
 f. Britain : a double count made with a single stroke in billiards (as by pocketing both cue ball and object ball)
 g. : the catching of two fish on one line at the same cast
 h. : double time — usually used with on or at
  < marched back again on the double — Earle Birney >
  < began to march at the double — Francis Hackett >
 i. doubles plural : sheet metal having a thickness of approximately 1/32 inch
2. : one that is the counterpart of another : copy, duplicate: as
  (1) : a living person that closely resembles another living person
   < thought I saw you on the street yesterday but it turned out to be your double >
  (2) : the apparition of a living person : wraith
   < the appearance of a double or fetch has ever been held … to signify approaching death — R.A.Procter >
 b. : one who resembles an actor and who performs in his stead typically when the script requires special talent that the actor does not possess
 c. : one (as an actor or singer) prepared to substitute for another in his absence : understudy
3. : a twofold or repeated action: as
  (1) : a sharp turn or reversal (as in running)
  (2) : an evasive shift (as in argument)
  (1) : a 16th century court-dance step consisting of three steps and a close
  (2) : a folk-dance sequence of four running steps forward or backward
  (1) : a musical variation (as in a classical suite)
  (2) : a repeated version of a movement of a musical composition (as a suite) with variation
 d. doubles plural : the changes rung or capable of being rung on a set of five bells
 e. : a twofold victory or defeat (as in two races on the same day or in a match and a return match)
4. : something consisting of two paired members: as
 a. : something doubled over or together : fold
  < hit the horse with the double of his rope >
 b. printing
  (1) : doublet
  (2) : a sheet inadvertently printed twice on one side
 c. : double star
 d. : a letter occurring twice in succession in a word or in adjoining words of connected text
 e. : a two-horse parlay
 f. : double jump 1
 g. : a double-barreled shotgun
 h. : a domino with the same number of pips on each half
 i. : two consecutive strikes in bowling
 j. : two targets thrown simultaneously in skeet shooting
 k. : a cricketer's feat of scoring 1000 runs and taking 100 wickets in one season
 l. doubles plural : two fishing hooks fastened together at the shank so as to form a double hook
  (1) : an act of doubling in card games
  (2) : the announcement by which a player in such games signifies that he doubles
  (1) : a call in bridge that has the effect of increasing the points scored for odd tricks if the declarer fulfills his contract and for undertricks if he does not
  (2) : a hand strong enough to justify making such a call
 c. : an act of doubling the stakes in backgammon
III. verb
(doubled ; doubled ; doubling \-b(ə)liŋ\ ; doubles)
Etymology: Middle English doublen, from Old French dobler, doubler, from Latin duplare, from duplus double — more at double I
transitive verb
1. : to increase by adding an equal quantity : multiply by two : make twice as great or as many
 < his brother was doubling in this new will his posthumous provision for her — F.M.Ford >
 a. : to be twice as great or as many as : amount to twice the number of
  < births doubled deaths in the state last year >
  (1) : to line or cover (a wooden ship) with an additional layer of planking
  (2) : to line or trim (a garment) with additional material — now used chiefly in heraldry
  (1) : to combine (as two slivers of yarn) by compressing or twisting into a single unit
  (2) chiefly Britain : ply
   < double yarns >
  (1) : to add a note an octave above or below to (a specified note)
  (2) : to reinforce (a musical part) with an additional part having the same notes either at the same pitch or at the octave
  (1) : to make a call in bridge that increases the value of odd tricks or undertricks at (an opponent's bid)
  (2) Britain : raise
   < he doubled my poker bet >
  (1) : to advance (a base runner in baseball) by a two-base hit
   < the batter walked and was doubled to third base >
  (2) : to bring about the scoring of (a run in baseball) by a two-base hit
   < doubled in two runs in the third inning >
 g. : to put out (a base runner in baseball) in completing a double play
  < was doubled off second base when the batter lined to the shortstop >
  < forced the runner at second and was doubled at first base >
  — sometimes used with up
  < was doubled up at first >
 a. : to make of two thicknesses by turning or bending usually in the middle : fold
 b. : to close tightly (the hand or fist) : clench
  < he turned swiftly, doubling his fists — Hamilton Basso >
  — often used with up
 c. : to cause to stoop : bend
  < hit him in the stomach and doubled him over >
  — often used with up
  < doubled him up >
 a. : to avoid by doubling : elude
 b. of a ship : to sail around (as a cape) by reversing the direction of motion
  < had doubled so many capes and run before the wind and brought back news of faraway men — Van Wyck Brooks >
 c. Britain : to cause (a billiard ball) to rebound
4. [translation of French doubler]
 a. : to replace in a dramatic role
  < he was doubling the hero in a sword fight — Niven Busch >
 b. : to play (dramatic roles) by doubling
  < doubles the part of leader or squire with that of clown or entertainer — Douglas Kennedy >
 c. : to prepare (a talking part in a motion picture) for audiences speaking different languages
intransitive verb
1. : to become increased to twice the ordinary size, strength, speed, quantity, or value : increase or grow to twice as much
 < the population doubled in 10 years >
 a. : to march at double time
  (1) : to reread a line inadvertently
   < lines sufficiently separated to prevent doubling — Stanley Morison >
  (2) : to set a doublet
  (1) : to double a bid (as in bridge)
  (2) : to propose that the stake be doubled (as in backgammon)
 d. : to make a two-base hit in baseball
  < doubled off the left-field fence >
 e. : to fire both rounds in a double-barreled shotgun with a single trigger pull
 f. : to use an additional layer of planking on a wooden ship
 a. : to turn sharply and suddenly in running; especially : to turn back on one's course — often used with back
  < the rabbit doubled back on his tracks >
 b. : to follow a circuitous course
  < a road … doubled round the hollow in a long sweep — H.E.Bates >
 c. : to enclose an enemy's fleet between two fires
 d. Britain : rebound — used of a billiard ball
 e. archaic : to make evasive shifts : act deceitfully
  < if thy tongue doubles with me — Sir Walter Scott >
3. : to become bent or folded usually in the middle : bend over — often used with up
 < she doubled up with pain >
 a. : to serve an additional purpose or perform an additional duty
  < a big gymnasium that doubles as an auditorium — C.B.Palmer b.1910 >
  < court's switchboard operator was doubling as a receptionist — Katherine T. Kinkead >
 b. : to play an additional instrument — usually used with on
  < the guitarist doubled on piano >
 c. : to play two parts especially in a dramatic production
  < she doubled as the maid in the first act and the secretary in the third >
 d. : to play a dramatic role as a double
  < doubled for the hero in the fencing match >

- double in balk
- double in brass
- double the hill
IV. adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from double, adjective
 a. : to twice the extent or amount : doubly
  < bright eyes were double bright — John Keats >
 b. : two together : in a pair
  < some people sleep better double and some single — Morris Fishbein >
2. archaic : with duplicity : deceitfully
 < if you should deal double with her — Shakespeare >
3. : downward and forward from the usual position
 < he was bent double with pain >




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