释义 |
pro·ba·tion \prōˈbāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English probacioun, from Middle French probation, from Latin probation-, probatio, from probatus (past participle of probare to try, test, approve, prove) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at prove 1. a. (1) : the action of critically testing and evaluating : critical investigation or examination < our statements about them will never sustain empirical probation — A.C.Danto > (2) : the condition of being subjected to such testing, examination, and evaluation < an educational system that has been through a long period of probation > b. (1) : the action of subjecting an individual to a period of testing and trial so as to be able to ascertain the individual's fitness or lack of fitness for something (as a particular job, membership in a particular organization, retention of a particular academic classification, enrollment in a particular school) < an engineering company that submits all candidates for jobs to a rigorous probation > (2) : the condition of being subjected to such testing and trial < was put on probation > (3) : the period during which an individual is subjected to such testing and trial : a trial period < his probation was to last one year > c. (1) : the action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender in such a way that the offender is given freedom after promising good behavior and agreeing to a varying degree of supervision, to the usually imposed condition of making a report to a particular officer or court at stated intervals, and to any other additionally specified conditions < hoped that the judge would grant him probation > (2) : the condition of one whose sentence has been suspended in such a way : the status of one that is being so tested < knew that prison faced him if he got in trouble again during his probation > (3) : the period during which one whose sentence has been suspended in such a way is required to fulfill the specified conditions < a long probation > 2. archaic a. : something that constitutes proof : evidence b. : the action of proving that something is what it is asserted to be : demonstration |