

单词 probe
释义 probe
I. \ˈprōb\ noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin proba examination, from Late Latin, proof, test, from Latin probare
 a. : a surgical instrument that consists typically of a light slender fairly flexible pointed metal instrument like a small rod that is used typically for locating a foreign body (as a bullet embedded in a part of the body), for exploring a wound or suppurative tract by prodding or piercing, or for penetrating and exploring bodily passages and cavities
 b. : something usually pointed and slender that resembles or is suggestive of such an instrument and that is used to penetrate, poke, or prod in an exploratory way
  < used a stick as a probe to test the ice on the lake >
 a. : one of several testing devices used in electronics or other physical sciences: as
  (1) : a pointed metal tip that is attached to the free end of a conductor leading to or from an electronic instrument so as to make contact with a circuit element that is being checked
  (2) : a slender wire or some other small slender object that is inserted into something (as a flame, a discharge tube) so as to test conditions (as potential differences) at a given point
  (3) : a device (as a small special microphone attached to a larger conventional microphone) used to test a sound field with minimum disturbance of the field being tested
 b. : a device (as a telescope, rocket, artificial satellite) used to penetrate into or scan an otherwise inaccessible area (as of space)
  (1) : flying boom
  (2) : a pipe attached to the end of a long flexible hose which is suspended from a tanker airplane in flight and to which another plane in flight connects its gas coupling for refueling
  (3) : a pipe projecting forward from the nose of an airplane in flight that is connected with the drogue of a tanker airplane to receive fuel
 d. : a small rod or similar object inserted into something as a medium of transmission or reception; specifically : a metal rod used to draw energy from or inject energy into a klystron
3. [probe (II) ]
 a. : the action of probing
  < in the midst of a leisurely probe of his trouser pockets — Earle Birney >
 b. : a penetrating investigation or critical inquiry into something; especially : an investigation (as by a legislative body or specially appointed committee) designed to ferret out any evidence of illegal or corrupt practices on the part of some individual or group
  < coupled with grand jury and legislative probes — Ed Wall >
  < expected another probe would result merely in a reshuffle in police and political circles — Newsweek >
 c. : a tentative forward exploratory push, advance, or survey (as of a reconnaissance division, a group of explorers)
  < in three probes, we covered 1383 miles in five and a half days — W.R.Anderson & Clay Blair >
  < the battalion made a couple of probes to test the strength and location of the enemy >
Synonyms: see inquiry
II. verb
transitive verb
  (1) : to search into, search through, or explore with great thoroughness by or as if by penetrating or trying to penetrate deeply into unknown or obscure points or parts : investigate the points, parts, details, or nature of in this way : subject to intense close penetrating examination
   < probes every detail of his early life and education — Stuart MacClintock >
   < probing the subconscious — Vance Packard >
   < attempt to probe his sensations — Stephen Crane >
   : carefully explore by penetrating into each section
   < probed every part of the island — J.A.Michener >
   < probed the coastlines of both North and South America — L.A.Brown >
  (2) : to subject to a penetrating investigation designed especially to ferret out any evidence of illegal or corrupt practices : conduct a probe of
   < spend considerable time in probing the actions of administrative officials — C.A.Herter >
 b. : to subject to one or more penetrating exploratory questions or remarks designed to elicit from another something that would otherwise remain unknown or obscure : sound out
  < probed them on the matter but got no satisfactory answer >
  < probe me with that remark — Thomas Hardy >
  < I'll probe him on the subject — W.S.Gilbert >
  (1) : to reach deeply into and search about all parts in a tentative exploratory way
   < probed his pockets but couldn't find the keys >
  (2) : to penetrate or push ahead into unknown or obscurely known parts of
   < probing space with rockets and artificial satellites >
   < probing the wilderness with new roads >
  (3) : reconnoiter
   < probing an enemy outpost >
  (4) : to launch a small attack or especially a series of small attacks against so as to discover an opponent's strength or weakness or gain some other strategic or tactical advantage
   < probed enemy territory and withdrew after two or three skirmishes >
 a. : to penetrate into (as a wound, a cavity of the body) with a surgical probe (as in searching for or removing an embedded bullet, exploring the depth and direction of a sinus)
  < probing a gunshot wound >
 b. : to penetrate into with something sharp or pointed or otherwise resembling or suggestive of a probe usually so as to test, examine, or explore
  < kept probing the crusty snow with a pole >
 c. : to poke especially searchingly with some slender usually pointed object : prod
  < probed the glowworms with a bit of stick, and rolled them over — Thomas Hardy >
  < fingered his heavy underlip as if probing it for a cold sore — Kenneth Roberts >
3. : to cause to move ahead with sudden force : thrust
 < probed the blade of the knife in between the logs >
intransitive verb
1. : to probe something
 < the surgeon kept probing until he located the bullet in the soldier's leg >
 a. : to make a searching exploratory investigation
  < without being able to probe into the real nature of it — Liam O'Flaherty >
  < probe into things a little deeper — Edith Wharton >
  < always probed below the surface of whatever aspect of his subject he discussed — J.D.Adams >
 b. : to search about in a tentative exploratory way
  < was probing for some way to discomfort me — Lloyd Alexander >
 a. : to reach out into something in a tentative exploratory way
  < as far as our telescopes can probe — George Gamow >
 b. : to penetrate or push ahead into unknown or obscurely known parts of something
  < new highways are probing deeper into the fastnesses of the north — Harold Griffin >
4. : to force one's way forward with or as if with thrusting movements in spite of resistance : stab ahead or through : push forward
 < were probing to within 20 miles of Moscow — Time >
Synonyms: see enter
III. noun
: a device (as an ultrasound generator) or a substance (as radioactively labeled DNA) used to obtain specific information (as detection of a virus or the location of specific segments of a nucleic acid) for diagnostic or experimental purposes




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更新时间:2025/3/25 2:32:45