释义 |
down-and-out I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: down (IV) + and + out, adjective 1. : so weakened, disabled, or incapacitated as to be ineffective : broken in health 2. : suffering irrecoverably from financial losses or deficiencies 3. of a boxer : so broken down by past beatings as to be incompetent as a pugilist II. noun (-s) Etymology: down-and-out (I) 1. also down-and-out·er \-ə(r)\ [down-and-outer from down-and-out (I) + -er] : a person who is down-and-out 2. : the play or discard in bridge of a high card of a nontrump suit followed by a lower card of the same suit to indicate ability to trump if a third round of the suit is led III. noun : a pass pattern in football in which the receiver runs straight downfield and then cuts to the outside |