

单词 profanation
释义 prof·a·na·tion
\ˌpräfəˈnāshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle French prophanation, profanation, from Late Latin profanation-, profanatio, from Latin profanatus (past participle of profanare to profane) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at profane
1. : an act of profaning : an act of violating sacred things or of treating them with contempt or irreverence : irreverent or too familiar treatment or use of what is sacred
2. : debasement or vulgarization especially by misuse or disclosure
 < music may be contemplated … happily free from all danger of profanation — C.C.Riker >
 desecration, sacrilege, blasphemy: profanation applies to any irreverent outrage shocking to those who cherish and hold sacred the thing treated; although it may suggest base callousness, it often applies to vulgar, insensible irreverence as of vandals
  < these sages attribute the calamity to a profanation of the sacred grove — J.G.Frazer >
  : desecration may apply to any action whereby sacred character is impaired or lost; often it indicates loss of that character through defilement, often malicious or malign and culpable
  < desecration of the cathedrals by the invading barbarians >
  < the last priest, feeling there was no work to be done in such a dreary outpost, burned the chapel in 1706 to prevent its desecrationAmerican Guide Series: Michigan >
  sacrilege may refer technically to reception or administration of a religious sacrament by one unworthy; it refers commonly to any outrageous profanation
  < the execution was not followed by any sacrilege to the church or defiling of holy vessels — Willa Cather >
  < above all things they dread any contact with the spirits of the dead. Only a sorcerer would dare to commit such a sacrilege, an offense punishable with death — J.G.Frazer >
  blasphemy may refer to any strong irreverence, often one involving or suggesting reviling, defying, mocking, or otherwise treating with indignity something sacred
  < he cooperated with me in sending the pious elders to unspeakable corners of hell; we arranged a wordless language of blasphemy and signaled to each other across the laps of the godly — G.W.Brace >




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