

单词 drag
释义 drag
I. \ˈdrag, -aa(ə)g, -aig\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English dragge, probably from draggen, v.
1. : something that is dragged, pulled, or drawn along or over a surface: as
 a. : harrow 1
 b. chiefly New England : a sledge for conveying heavy bodies
  < a stone drag >
 c. : a steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone
 d. : an apparatus (as a wooden or metal frame) drawn over ground (as a road) to smooth it — see drag scraper
 e. : conveyance; especially : a private coach that has seats on its top and that is usually drawn by four horses
 f. : the bottom part of a foundry molding flask, mold, or pattern — called also nowel
 g. : float 5d(1)
 h. : a railroad car or set of cars moved usually by a switching engine from one part of a yard to another or from one yard to another
 i. : crushed and broken ore found in and along a fault zone
2. : something that is used to drag with: as
 a. : a device (as a wire, grapnel, net, or scoop) for dragging under water along the bottom or through the water below the surface to detect the presence of, dislodge, obtain, or recover objects
 b. : the log carriage in a veneer sawmill
 c. [by shortening] : dragrope a
 a. : something that retards motion: as
  (1) also drag anchor : something towed in the water to retard a ship's progress or to keep her head up to the wind : sea anchor; especially : a canvas bag with a hooped mouth used in this manner — compare drag sail
  (2) : a skid for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel — called also shoe, dragshoe, skidpan
  (3) : any of several adjustable devices attached to a fishing reel to prevent the spool from spinning too freely
  (4) [by shortening] : dragbar 1
  (5) : the retarding force acting on a body (as an airfoil or airplane) moving through a fluid (as air) parallel and opposite to the direction of motion : the component of the total aerodynamic force on a body parallel to the relative wind
  (6) : friction especially between engine parts; also : retardation due to friction
 b. : something that hinders or obstructs nonphysical movement or progress
  < material … unrelated to the running narrative and a considerable drag on it — Bernard DeVoto >
  < considered them a drag on humanity — L.G.Dernisseau >
  : strain, drain, burden
  < sustained the drag and turmoil of an active career in the deserts and marshes of Hindustan — Humphrey Bullock >
  < counted on the continued drag of occupation costs and manpower to bring the Western Powers around — Collier's Year Book >
  (1) : the scent left by a fox or by other game : trail
  (2) : an object (as a bag of aniseed) drawn over the ground to leave a scented trail for hounds to follow
  (3) : the hunting with hounds upon an artificial scent
  (1) : a log or other heavy object fastened to a trap as a clog to prevent the escape of the trapped animal
  (2) : a scented bait drawn over the area adjacent to a trap to attract a desired kind of animal to the trap
 a. : the act or an instance of dragging or drawing: as
  (1) : a drawing along or over a surface with considerable effort or pressure
   < the drag of chalk on blackboard slate — Lee Anderson >
   : pull, tug
   < the beat and drag of the wind >
  (2) : motion effected with slowness or difficulty
   < it was a long drag up the hill >
  also : the condition or appearance of painful slowness or impeded movement
   < there was a drag in his walk >
   < no torture was comparable with the drag of that single hour after luncheon — Osbert Sitwell >
  (3) : a draw on a pipe, cigarette, or cigar : puff
   < the professor took a long, deliberate drag on his five-cent cigar — O.W.Butz >
  also : a draft of liquid : drink
   < he took a drag from the glass — R.P.Warren >
 b. : a movement, inclination, or retardation caused by or as if by dragging: as
  (1) Britain : backspin imparted to a cue ball by striking it somewhat below the center so as to cause it perceptibly to slide along the cloth and to stop dead or nearly so on striking the object ball; also : a shot so played
  (2) : an excess of draft at the stern of a ship as compared with the bow
  (3) : a downward portamento in lute playing
  (4) : a stroke used in playing the snare drum usually consisting of 3 or 4 grace notes preceding the beat
  (5) : a bending of rock strata adjacent to a fault
  (6) : a drooping or sagging : inclination, hang
   < an habitual drag of the lips >
  (1) : pull exerted by the knife that causes a sliding movement of the lower sheets in a book or pile of sheets being cut typically in the direction of travel of the knife
  (2) : the resistance of cotton fibers to being pulled apart
 d. slang : influence securing special favor or partiality : pull
  < he must have lots of drag >
6. : something characterized by slow retarded motion: as
 a. : a slow freight train
 b. West
  (1) : the rear section of a herd or flock; also : a weak or footsore animal in such a herd or flock
  (2) : the men assigned to trail the drag portion of a herd
   < it was … hell for swing and flank and double hell for drag — A.B.Guthrie >
  (1) : a popular dance in slow rhythm originating in New Orleans; also : the music for such a dance
  (2) or dragging step : a dance step involving the dragging of one foot after the other
7. slang : street, road
 < strolling up and down this bustling drag — J.P.O'Donnell >
 < the main drag >
8. slang
 a. : woman's dress worn by a man
  < the first to perform were three queer boys who were completely in drag, with wigs, false eyelashes, high-heeled pumps and beautiful evening gowns — Polly Adler >
 b. : a homosexuals' party
9. slang : a girl that one is escorting : girl friend, date
 < cadets strolling down the walk with their drags >
10. or drag race slang : an acceleration contest between automobiles, especially hot rods
II. verb
(dragged \-gd\ ; or dialect drug \ˈdrəg\ ; dragged or dialect drug ; dragging ; drags)
Etymology: Middle English draggen, from Old Norse draga to drag, draw, pull or Old English dragan to drag, draw — more at draw
transitive verb
  (1) : to pull along by main force : draw slowly or heavily : haul
   < drag stone >
   < drag a net in fishing >
  (2) : to move (as oneself) with painful slowness or difficulty
   < the tired man dragged himself home >
   < drag one foot after the other >
   < the negotiations dragged their interminable length along >
 b. : to force (a person or group) by nonphysical means into or out of some situation, condition, or course of action
  < dragged me into a fruitless discussion >
  < dragging his friends down to ruin with him >
  < his infectious humor dragged me out of my black musings >
  < did not want his country dragged into a useless war >
  (1) : to pass (a space of time) in lingering pain, tedium, or unhappiness — used chiefly with out
   < dragged out his remaining years in bitter loneliness >
  (2) : to protract (as a narrative or musical passage) unduly or tediously — often used with out
   < dragged out his anecdote to an intolerable length >
   < dragged out the florid run to impress her audience >
  (1) : a pass a drag over (as a field or dirt road)
  (2) : to explore with a drag
   < dragged the river for the drowned boy >
  (3) : search : ransack
   < even when she dragged her mind or an excuse or even an idea, she could not unearth one — Ellen Glasgow >
 b. : to catch with a dragnet or trawl
3. : to smooth and pulverize (soil) by the use of a drag or harrow
4. : to retard by or as if by a drag
 < the singer continually dragged his tempi >
5. Midland : rally, tease
6. : to dress the surface of (a stone) with a drag
7. : to apply (pigment) by drawing a loaded brush over a tacky surface so that the pigment adheres in irregular spots allowing the ground color to appear between them
8. : to hit (a bunt) especially by pulling the bat back at the moment of impact and without being squared around toward the pitcher
9. : to fly low over (an area) for the purpose of observing the surface conditions especially if an emergency landing is to be made
intransitive verb
1. : to hang or lag behind
 < suddenly noticed that one of the climbers was beginning to drag >
specifically : to lag behind in singing or playing
 < a singing comedienne, she has an effective way of dragging behind the beat — New Yorker >
2. : to fish or search with a drag
 a. : to trail along on the ground
  < her silken gown dragged behind her >
  (1) : to yield or give way along the ground or along the bottom of the sea (as of an anchor that does not hold)
  (2) of a ship : to drag anchor
 a. : to move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly : advance with weary effort
  < a rheumy old man, crumpled together, bent at the shoulders, feet dragging — Elizabeth M. Roberts >
  : go on lingeringly
  < the negotiations dragged, without any prospect of an early solution >
  : cause tedium especially because of length or lack of interest
  < the last act drags terribly, and is enough to kill any play — Arnold Bennett >
  — often used with on or along
  < the ride homeward dragged on indefinitely — Sherwood Anderson >
  (1) : to move with friction over a surface
   < the overturned car dragged along the street for some distance before stopping >
  (2) of brakes : to fail to release
5. : to make a plucking or pulling movement : tug — used chiefly with at
 < he plucked his thin linen trousers and dragged at his collar — Rudyard Kipling >
6. : draw
 < drag on a cigarette >
7. slang : to race with a drag
 < anybody's got the bug to drag can use the strip long as they have a driver's license — J.M.Flagler >
Synonyms: see pull

- drag anchor
- drag one's feet
III. noun
1. : one that is boring or impedes the pursuit of enjoyment
 < their work … is a drag a good deal of the time — Nora Johnson >
 < knows this sickly kid is going to be a social drag — Edmund Morris >
2. : costume : outfit : getup
 < dresses hundreds in full clown drag — Bill Cardoso >
3. : drag queen herein
4. : man's clothing worn by a woman
 < a lesbian can also wear drag; that is … clothing designed for men — Julia P. Stanley >
IV. transitive verb
1. : to extract by or as if by pulling
2. : to move (items on a computer display) especially by means of a mouse
V. adjective
Etymology: drag (I)
: of, being, involving, or intended for a person in drag
 < a drag ball >




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