释义 |
drain·age \-nij, -nēj\ noun (-s) 1. a. : the act or an instance of draining < by this drainage of colonial wealth the empire financed its costly wars > < drainage of the marshy lands was completed in a short time > b. : draining : a gradual flowing off or dropping down < complained of drainage of rain water into the cellar > < gold drainage and gold hoarding … were feared — F.L.Paxson > also : something that is drained off < this lake receives the drainage of many mountain streams > c. chiefly Britain : sewage; also : the sewage system of a building 2. : the manner in which the waters of a country pass off (as by streams and rivers) < subsurface drainage > 3. a. : the removal of excess water from land by means of surface or subsurface conduits; also : a system of such conduits b. : aerial drainage 4. a. : area or district drained (as by a river) b. or drainage system : the streams or other waterways by which a region is drained 5. : the act, process, or means of drawing off fluids from a cavity or wound by means of suction or gravity 6. : a process or means of release of internal conflicts or pent-up feelings (as hostility or guilt) |