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drawback \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: draw back 1. : money remitted after being collected : refund: as a. : customs or other duties refunded on (1) an imported product subsequently exported, (2) an imported product used in the production of a product for export, or (3) on the part of an imported product (as tobacco) which becomes scrap in the manufacturing process b. : a refund of excise or other tax on a product used for some favored purpose (as alcohol used for nonbeverage purposes) c. : money refunded as compensation (as for damages) or as a special often secret favor or inducement — compare kickback 2. : an objectionable feature : defect, hindrance < the drawbacks of country living > < slow drying is the chief drawback of this paint > 3. : a part of a mechanical device that can be drawn back: as a. (1) : a part of a foundry mold that can be drawn back to permit the removal of a pattern from the mold (2) : a plate or comparable structure on which this part of the mold may be lifted out b. : a door bolt that can be released by drawing back on a knob on the inside |