

单词 drum
释义 drum
I. \ˈdrəm\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: probably from Dutch trom, from Middle Dutch tromme; akin to Middle Low German & Middle High German trumme, probably of imitative origin
 a. : a musical instrument of percussion usually consisting of a hollow cylinder with a skin head stretched over each end which is beaten with a stick or pair of sticks in playing; broadly : a hollow instrument or device of any nonmetallic material beaten in any manner to produce a deep-toned rumbling or booming sound
 b. : drummer 1
 a. : tympanum 1a(1)
 b. : the timbal of a sound-producing insect
 a. : the sound of a drum
 b. : a repetitious action similar to the beating of a drum
  < woodpeckers' drums >
 also : the sound made by such an action
  < heard the swooping drum of the racer's hooves — Eve Langley >
4. : something resembling a drum in shape: as
  (1) : one of the cylindrical or nearly cylindrical blocks of which the shaft of a column is composed
  (2) : a vertical wall that is circular or polygonal and carries a cupola or dome
 b. : a revolving cylinder in which hides are tumbled during processing into leather (as for washing, pickling, tanning, dyeing) or in which furs are cleaned (by tumbling with fine sawdust)
 c. : a hollow revolving cylinder for containing something to be acted upon: as
  (1) : a cask in which the colors of fabrics are fixed by steaming
  (2) : a drum washer in paper making
  (3) : a perforated cylinder for sorting ore
4. also drum barker : a long open-ended cylinder in which logs are tumbled in water to loosen and remove the bark
 d. : a hollow or solid revolving cylinder or barrel that acts or is acted upon by something exterior to itself: as
  (1) : the winding part of a capstan or hoisting machine
  (2) : a doffer in a carding machine
  (3) : the roller for an autographic record
  (4) : a long pulley for several belts
  (5) : brake drum
 e. : the barrel of a clock upon which the weight cord is wound
 f. : the circular housing of a banjo-clock movement
 g. : a straight-sided cylindrical shipping container of metal, plywood, or paperboard with flat or slightly bowed ends one of which may be removable; specifically : a metal container for liquids having a capacity between 12 and 110 gallons or a fiber container with a capacity up to 10 cubic feet
 h. : a small paper tube with a paper or transparent film covering one end
  < face-powder drum >
 i. : a cylindrical or rounded attachment for hot water, steam, or gases (as for a radiator or a reservoir)
 j. : any of several disk-shaped magazines for feeding ammunition to automatic arms
5. : any of various fishes of the family Sciaenidae that are capable of making a drumming noise — compare croaker 2; see black drum, channel bass, freshwater drum
6. Australia : a bundle of personal possessions carried by a swagman
[drum 1: 1 bass, 2 snare (orchestra), 3 snare (parade)]
II. verb
(drummed ; drummed ; drumming ; drums)
intransitive verb
1. : to beat a drum
2. : to make a succession of strokes or vibrations that produce sounds like drumbeats
 < his fingers drummed on the table >
specifically of a bird : to produce such vibrations especially by beating the wings
 < the male grouse drumming in the distance >
3. : to throb or sound rhythmically with or as if with drumbeats
 < the spring freshet drums in the narrow brooks — S.V.Benét >
 < a plane drums in the sky overhead — Coulton Waugh >
4. : to stir up interest : solicit, canvass
 < gangsters who fear peace and drum for war — Newsweek >
 < drumming for business >
transitive verb
 a. : to summon, gather, or enlist by or as if by beating a drum
  < to confound such time that drums him from his sport — Shakespeare >
  < to make the detective appear a figure of power the police … are drummed into his service — W.O.Aydelotte >
  < drumming up talent — New Republic >
 b. : to arouse or further interest in by repeated promotional efforts
  < cheered on by poets drumming the new struggle with Spartan despotism — E.R.May >
2. : to drive or dismiss ignominiously as if with accompaniment of drumbeats : expel — now used with out
 < a beggar being drummed out of town — J.H.Allen >
 < drummed out of military school — Springfield (Massachusetts) Republican >
3. : to drive or force by unremitting effort or reiteration
 < drums into the girls two mottoes of her own — Time >
 < my father drummed the idea out of my head >
 < two issues almost daily drummed into the ears of Californians — M.F.A.Montagu >
 a. : to strike or tap repeatedly
  < began to drum her heels against the wall — T.B.Costain >
  < drummed the table with his fingers >
 b. : to produce (rhythmic sounds) by such action
  < rain drummed an accompaniment to the words — Christine Weston >
 a. : to treat (a hide) in a drum
 b. : to clean (a fur) by prolonged shaking with fine sawdust in a revolving drum
6. : to put into a drum
III. noun
Etymology: Scottish Gaelic druim back ridge; akin to Old Irish druimm back ridge, Welsh trum
1. chiefly Scotland : a long narrow hill or ridge
2. : drumlin




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