

单词 dry
释义 dry
I. \ˈdrī\ adjective
(dri·er also dry·er \-ī(ə)r, -īə\ ; dri·est also dry·est \-īə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English drie, dry, from Old English drȳge; akin to Old High German truckan, truchan dry, Middle Low German drœge, drēge, Middle Dutch drōge and perhaps to Old Norse draugr dry wood
1. : free or relatively free from water or liquid : not wet or moist: as
 a. obsolete : naturally having no moisture — used in ancient and medieval sciences to describe one of the qualities of the four elements; opposed to moist
 b. of a sign of the zodiac : having a dry complexion
2. : characterized by loss of water or of life-giving moisture: as
 a. : lacking or comparatively free from precipitation and humidity
  < the path is dusty on a dry day >
  < a dry summer >
 b. : lacking freshness : withered
 c. : anhydrous
 a. : not being in or under water : beneficially not having undue moisture or water
  < dry land >
  < dry clothes >
 b. : employing no liquid or as little as possible
  < the dry method of assaying gold >
  < portland cement may be manufactured by dry process or wet process >
  — compare wet 8
 c. : built or constructed without the use of any process that requires water:
  (1) : using no mortar
   < dry masonry >
   < a dry stone wall >
  (2) : using prefabricated plaster board, composition board, or wood paneling rather than a construction involving plaster or mortar bonding
   < a dry wall >
   < dry wall construction >
 d. of breadstuff : served or eaten without butter or milk — now used chiefly of toast without butter
 e. of a foodstuff : having the water removed by evaporation : dehydrated; often : reduced to powder or flakes
 f. of natural gas : containing little or no recoverable gasoline or other liquid hydrocarbon
 g. of a friction clutch : intended to function without lubrication
  (1) : harmfully devoid of water or lubricant
   < the garden is dry from lack of rain >
   < the machine automatically stops when it runs dry >
  (2) : thirsty
   < he felt dry after his walk >
 b. : marked by the absence of or abstention from alcoholic beverages
  < it was a dry party but the food was good >
  < a man who had been dry for a dozen years — New York Times Book Review >
  (1) : containing no uncombined water — used especially of a paint or pigment
  (2) : wholly solidified : no longer liquid or sticky — used especially of a coating (as paint) or ink applied to a surface or of the surface so treated; opposed to wet
 d. : exclusive of accessories and operating fluids (as lubricant and coolant) — used of the weight of an engine
5. : characterized by exhaustion of a supply of water or other liquid: as
 a. of a container or receptacle : depleted of liquid contents : empty
  < a dry well >
  < the fountain pen ran dry in the middle of a sentence >
 b. : devoid of running water
  < a dry ravine >
6. of an animal or its udder : not giving milk : not lactating
 < a dry cow >
  (1) : not shedding tears
   < hardly a dry eye at the funeral >
  (2) : not accompanied by tears
   < a dry sob >
 b. : continent of urine
  < some children learn to stay dry much earlier than others >
  (1) : marked by the absence or scantiness of secretions, effusions, or other forms of moisture
   < a dry pleurisy >
  (2) of a cough : not accompanied by the raising of mucus or phlegm
 a. obsolete : free from bloodshed : not causing or accompanied by an effusion of blood
  < dry war >
  < dry death >
 b. : designed or executed in practice or planning for the future and lacking some essential (as live ammunition) of the situation being simulated : intended for practice only
  < dry rehearsal >
  < dry firing >
 a. : solid as opposed to liquid
  < dry groceries >
  < dry provisions >
  < dry cargo >
 b. : slack 6
 a. : not manifesting or communicating warmth, responsiveness, sympathy, enthusiasm, or tender feeling whether through natural indifference or studied unconcern : impassive, unemotional, matter-of-fact
  < under that peculiar sort of dry, blunt manner, I know you have the warmest heart — Jane Austen >
  < she sat there looking dry and indifferent — Lionel Trilling >
 b. fine art : exhibiting a sharp frigid preciseness of execution : lacking delicate contour in form or easy transition in coloring
 a. : not yielding what is expected or desired : not giving satisfaction : barren, sterile, unproductive
  < a poet who is going through a dry period which he finds frustrating — Rosemary Benét >
 b. obsolete, of a person : stingy
 c. dialect : reserved, aloof
12. : marked by a matter-of-fact manner of expression that seems unconscious or unintentional but is actually ironic, caustic, keen, shrewd, terse — used especially of humor or the person expressing it
 < his dry humor which made him say the most amusing things and keep his face so absolutely solemn — Eleanor Roosevelt >
13. : having no personal inclination, bias, or emotional concern : having clear impartial perception or judgment
 < ought … to have used the dry light of reason in discussing matters of high morality, politics and religion — Times Literary Supplement >
 < a certain dry spirit of detachment and analysis — Aldous Huxley >
14. : dull because lacking in inherent interest and adornment : lacking elements that would lend attractiveness and appeal : uninteresting, wearisome, insipid
 < in the dryest passages of her historical summaries these delightful descriptions come running to the rescue — Robert Payne >
 < his dry schoolmaster temperament, the hurdy-gurdy monotony of him — William James >
 a. : having nothing superfluous : lacking embellishment : consisting of essentials only : unadorned, plain, bare
  < dry simplicity >
  < dry fact >
  < dry formality >
 b. archaic : paid in actual coin — used of money or fees
 c. of a dog : having the skin close fitting especially about the neck and mouth
  (1) of beverages : lacking sweetness
  (2) of wines and other fermented beverages : having all or most sugar fermented to alcohol : sugarless
   < dry champagne >
   < dry sauterne >
   — see sec
 b. of mixed drinks : containing only ingredients low or lacking in sugar content
  < a dry martini >
 c. : marked by a harsh, rasping, or jarring tone : lacking smooth or liquid sound qualities
  < a dry rasping voice >
  < a chipping sparrow gives a dry, unmusical trill — W.P.Smith >
  < the dry whisper of winter leaves — Edith Sitwell >
  < this recording of the piano solo is dry and harsh >
17. : relating to or favoring the prohibition or drastic regulation and limitation of the manufacture or distribution of alcoholic beverages
 < dry law >
 < dry agent >
 < dry sentiment >
 < a dry state >
 arid: arid is usually more extreme than dry. dry suggests freedom from moisture or deficiency of moisture, arid destitution or deprivation of moisture and extreme dryness
  < not a drop of water could we find, and the arid aspect of the valley as a whole showed only too plainly that the rainfall, on this side of the island at least, must be scant indeed — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  dry suggests lack of qualities compelling interest, arid absence of worthwhile, fruitful, or significant, as well as interesting, qualities
  < a very dry book >
  < the frank elucidation of such a principle, with an aesthetic near to a moral obligation, might imply only bleak and arid results — Holbrook Jackson >
  Applied to persons, their manner or sayings, dry implies loss of warmth, responsiveness, enthusiasm, or emotion, arid an absence of or incapacity for these
  < this structural defect might have been overcome — and may still be overcome — if the intellectual leadership were less arid — Barbara Ward >
Synonym: see in addition sour.

- not dry behind the ears
II. verb
(dried ; dried ; drying ; dries)
Etymology: Middle English drien, dryen, from Old English drȳgan, from drȳge, adjective
transitive verb
1. : to make dry : to rid of moisture or liquid (as by wiping, rubbing, draining, squeezing) — often used with up, out, off; specifically : to remove or reduce the moisture content of by exposure to heat or air : desiccate — compare dehydrate, evaporate
2. : to take up (moisture or liquid) by absorption — usually used with up
 < the sun will dry up the dew quickly >
3. : to cause (a female mammal) to stop giving milk — used with off or up
intransitive verb
1. : to become dry : become free from wetness or moisture — often used with off, out
 < nylon dries rapidly >
 < I dried at the electric blower — Saul Bellow >
 a. of moisture or a liquid : to evaporate, become absorbed, or drain away — often used with up
  < the drying up during the summer of the shallow ponds — W.H.Dowdeswell >
 b. : to become hard, tough, and elastic as a result of oxidation and polymerization : solidify — used especially of various oils, paints, and varnishes applied as thin films
3. of a female mammal : to stop giving milk — used with off or up
 desiccate, dehydrate, bake, parch: dry is a general term applicable to any process, natural or artificial, whereby moisture is extracted from something
  < clothes drying on the line >
  < to dry up a swamp >
  < drying the dishes with a towel >
  desiccate indicates a complete exhaustion of moisture, with resultant shriveling or withering; in reference to persons it indicates loss of animation, vitality, capacity to interest
  < desiccated fish >
  < desiccated coconut meat >
  < the spur of an imagination not yet desiccated by a too strict adhesion to those so-called ‘laws’ — Eric Partridge >
  < achieves her dream of gentility by marrying a stockbroker and settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery — C.J.Rolo >
  dehydrate, like desiccate, indicates complete elimination of water but usually lacks additional suggestion
  < dehydrated fruits >
  It may refer to a condition of the body resulting from loss or deprivation of fluids
  < he may develop fever from becoming dehydrated — Benjamin Spock >
  bake in the meaning here involved may indicate not only drying by heat or fire but also hardening, sometimes with resulting cracking
  < clay tablets on which all three types were present — that is, tablets on which the wedges had been impressed while they were still soft and then baked in — Fletcher Pratt >
  < the sun-baked mud flats >
  parch suggests drying by dry heat or drought; it may imply effects comparable to thirst and suggest that water will restore and refresh
  < record heat waves which have parched mid-America's usually productive plains — New York Times Magazine >
  < we had drunk all our water and so were parched and all done in when we finally espied a small, scattered Bedouin camp — National Geographic >
III. noun
(-es ; see sense 6)
Etymology: Middle English drie, dry, from drie, dry, adjective
1. : the condition of being dry : dryness
2. : something dry: as
 a. chiefly Australia
  (1) : the rainless season of the year
  (2) : a desert area
 b. : a place that is dry (as a piece of dry land)
3. [by shortening] : dryhouse
4. : a natural seam constituting a flaw in stone
5. : thirst; especially : a craving for intoxicating liquor
6. plural drys : prohibitionist
7. : the action of becoming dry
 < speed of dry of printing inks >
IV. adverb
Etymology: dry (I)
: in a dry way
 < “what a thrilling life you have!” “Yeah,” I says, dry — Bant Singer >




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