释义 |
pro·tec·tion I. \prəˈtekshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English proteccioun, from Middle French protection, from Late Latin protection-, protectio, from Latin protectus (past participle of protegere to protect) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : a writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest : passport, safe-conduct 2. : the act of protecting : the state or fact of being protected : shelter from danger or harm < a sense of protection and security in the life of his home — Archibald Marshall > < huddled in the lee of the rock, trying to get a little protection from the wind — H.D.Quillin > 3. a. : one that protects < an umbrella is protection in a sudden shower > b. : the oversight or support usually of one that is smaller and weaker < government protection for small business > < her brother's protection was very welcome on the way home from school > 4. a. : the freeing of the producers of a country from foreign competition in their home market by the imposition of high duties, quantitative trade controls, or exchange controls to restrict the importation of goods of foreign origin b. : the theory, policy, or system favoring or practicing the imposition of such controls — compare american system, free trade 5. a. : immunity from prosecution obtained by some criminal classes (as proprietors of gambling houses) through bribes to officials or political bosses b. : money paid to racketeers under threat of depredation < sold protection to everyone from the proprietors of the neighborhood delicatessens to the owners of the town's plushiest clubs — Polly Adler > 6. : coverage 2c 7. : a plant-disease control measure in which a protectant is used II. noun : anchoring equipment placed in cracks for safety while rock climbing |