释义 |
pro·té·gé \ˈprōd.əˌzhā, -ōtə-, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from past participle of protéger to protect, from Latin protegere 1. : a man under the care and protection of an influential person (as a sponsor, instructor, or patron) usually for the furthering of his career (as in art, politics, sport) : pupil < big-business protégés — Harper's > < a protégé of the Institute's famous professor — Jack Goodman > < protégé of many popes — Mentor > 2. a. : a resident of one country (as a colony or a protectorate) under the juridical protection of another government b. : one protected by a foreign country under extraterritorial rights |